Few residents attend Blaine town meeting

10 months ago

BLAINE, Maine — About nine Blaine residents joined leaders for the annual town meeting Monday to pass budgetary items and elect select board and school district representatives for the town of 650.

Josh Tweedie was elected and sworn in as moderator for the meeting, which lasted 22 minutes.

The group elected Incumbents Jean Smith and Neil Grass to three-year terms on the select board.

Elected to the SAD 42 school board were Darcy Haines for a three-year term and Loni Giberson for a one-year term.   

All budget articles passed with no discussion. Residents voted to appropriate revenue of $220,000 for the fiscal year ending Jan. 31 to reduce the tax commitment.

Voters approved measures including $158,650 for administration; $225,700, highway department; $158,859, protection such as fire and ambulance; $2,000, W.T.A. Hansen Memorial Library; $3,500, recreation; and $11,500, cemetery care.

Residents also approved $133,190 toward a paving loan and final loan payment of $25,600 for the ambulance service startup cost, and voted to designate $20,000 for a revaluation reserve account and $30,000 each in equipment and paving reserve accounts.