Caribou area From our Files – Week of April 17, 2024

6 months ago

120 Years Ago – April 21, 1904

Changes being made — H. O. Spencer has been having some changes and improvements made in the interior of his store during the past week. A fine office has been partitioned off and the store treated to a fresh coat of paint.

The Burleigh changes hands — The Hotel Burleigh, which has been conducted by Lyman W. Stevens for several years, on Monday of this week changed owners, the new proprietors being Harry and Josiah Mishou of Old Town. Harry Mishou is well and favorable known to nearly everyone in Caribou, having for several years been conductor on the B & A railroad. His brother has been for the past six years proprietor of one of the hotels in Old Town, being thoroughly familiar with the many details required in successfully conducting the hotel business. The Messrs. Mishou enter upon their new proprietorship followed by the well wishes of everyone and that they will be successful and receive a liberal patronage is assured from the start. Both gentlemen are polite, courteous and the wants of their patrons will be well looked after. Story Duff, well-known to the traveling public, will be retained as clerk for the present.

115 Years Ago – April 22, 1909

Purchased new building — M. L. Hutchinson has purchased the building of Ellingwood Bros. formerly occupied by them as a planing mill and will soon remove his laundry into new quarters. Mr. Hutchinson, who purchased the woodworking machinery of Ellingsood Bros., has sold the same Hight & Page. It is understood that the building now occupied by Mr. Hutchinson will be used by Smith & Cox as a flour and feed storehouse.

Expensive repairs started — That enterprising firm, the L. J. Sherwood Company has already started on some extensive repairs to their large store. A basement will be put under a portion of the building, where will be located a lady’s waiting room, the entrance being from the middle of the store down a wide and well-lighted stairway. The barbershop of Warren Leighton will also be in the new basement, Mr. Sherwood needed the present room for his steadily increasing business. A new quartered oak front will be placed in the store, giving it a decidedly metropolitan appearance.

100 Years Ago – April 17, 1924

A trip to a maple sugar camp — The misses Eliza McGill, Madeline Long, Verna Long, Ethel Lovely, Albene Bishop, Margie Blackstone, Mrs. Lawrence Thibodeau and Mrs. Ralph Roberts enjoyed a trip to Blackstone’s maple sugar camp last Saturday..

Snow on the roads — It is claimed that there is as much snow in the woods now as at any time during the winter. While the streets in the villages are all bare, there is a fair amount of snow on the country roads. And at the rate snow has been melting since the advent of April, it will be some time before automobiles can get from one town to another..

75 Years Ago – April 21, 1949

Plan outdoor theater to open this summer on the Presque Isle road — Eight acres of land on the Ralph Hitchings farm, Presque Isle road, Caribou have been purchased by Gordon Wilcox, Washburn, and Lewis Christie, Presque Isle, who plan to set up an outdoor movie theater, to be ready for use the early part of this summer. Some of the lumber for forms of the concrete screen structure was hauled to the lot Monday and Hitchings reported its location has been pegged out. Hitchings also stated he understood that a bulldozer would be put to work grading and gravel to be hauled as soon as the condition of the land allowed. Plans seem to be to rush the project through to completion as soon as possible. Location of the large screen support is said to be on the corner lot directly across the road, U. S. No. 1., from John McElwain home, now owned by Fred Norton. An outdoor theater, new to Aroostookans, but more numerous in the southern part of this state and states to the south, provides the opportunity for customers to see a movie show on a large screen while their automobile is parked on the theater’s parking lot.

Miss K. M. Ames returns to head Cary Hospital — Miss Katherine M. Ames R.N. arrived in Caribou this week to assume duties as superintendent of Cary Memorial hospital, it was announced by Newman Doyle, chairman of the board of Cary hospital directors. Miss Ames replaces Miss Dorothy Holmes R.N., who resigned in mid-January because of illness. Miss Ames is not new to Caribou and Cary Memorial hospital, as she served as superintendent of the institution from 1941 to late May of 1948, at which time she resigned. Precious to 1941 Miss Ames had been a member of the nursing staff since 1933. She has been at her home in Wiscasset since her resignation.

25 Years Ago – April 21, 1999

Woodland woman celebrates 100 years — Mrs. Lucy Bubar celebrated her 100th birthday March 26 at the Carson Pentecostal Country Church in Woodland. The party was attended by family, friends and the church members. Mrs. Bubar received gifts and cards, including some from as far away as Florida. Guests shared remarks from family and friends about Lucy and how she touched their lives. The group sang Happy Birthday to Lucy and enjoyed a nice lunch. The evening was ended by cutting the cake which was made by her minister, Pastor John Palmer. She makes her home with her granddaughter Bonnie Brusso.Fire Department receives money for camera — Caribou Fire and Ambulance Department received financial help for the Thermal Imaging Camera. The department was given a $5,000 donation from the Caribou Rotary Club to help pay the department’s share of the grant for the camera. There for the presentation of the check was: Roy Woods, Caribou fire chief; John Weeks, Dave Wilcox, John Swanberg and Kirk Tibbetts, all members of the Caribou Rotary