Houlton area From our Files – Week of April 17, 2024

Compiled by Breanna Maples, Special to The County
6 months ago

75 Years Ago – April 21, 1949

To Start Work On Drive-In Theatre — Work will begin within a few days on the construction of a drive-in movie theatre on the North Road, it was learned this week following the completion of final plans by sponsors of the project. Lewis E. Webber of Houlton and Harold A. Peabody of Amity, partners in the new enterprise, are now in Boston selecting necessary equipment which it is expected to be installed in time for an official opening about the middle of May. Site of the first theatre of its kind in this section of the state will be the former Berry farm, on the west side of the road, exactly two miles from Market Square.

Candidate For State FHA President — Reita McBride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. McBride of Littleton has been chosen as a candidate for state president of the Future Homemakers of America. Elections are to be held at the state convention in Pittsfield on May 7. Reita is a junior at Ricker Classical Institute and has been a member of the Ricker Chapter of F.H.A. since its inception in 1947.

50 Years Ago – April 17, 1974

Model Dream Homes – New Concept — Working with the new concept of career education, students of Alan Hale’s industrial arts class at Houlton High School have designed and are building to scale, model homes. This project has been carried into language, science, and several other class areas.

25 Years Ago – April 21, 1999

Hodgdon High School ‘goes to Washington’ — For several weeks, students taking freshman civics at Hodgdon High School have been experiencing constitutional democracy in action. The students, under the direction of teacher Brian Fitzpatrick, have formed a mock congress modeled after the real thing. “To bring this chapter to life, students become actively involved in the same legislative process used in Augusta,” explained Fitzpatrick.SAD 70 hosts ‘50’s day’ during March Madness — The era known as “age of innocence” was resurrected by SAD 70 students when the middle school’s student council decided a winter break was in order. They declared the week of March 22-26, March Madness Week featuring a flashback to the 50s.