Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of April 17, 2024

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
9 months ago

99 Years Ago – April 16, 1925

Mrs. Livingston elected president — At a special session of the Rebekah Assembly of Maine held at Odd Fellows Hall, Portland, Mrs. Harriett M. Livingston of Aroostook Lodge No. 32, Presque Isle, was elected president of the assembly to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the former president, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Foster, of Lisbon. In the evening, the members of Ivy Lodge and the newly elected officers visited the session of Columbia Rebekah Lodge at Woodfords and the degree was conferred for the president. 

50 Years Ago – April 17, 1974

Poster contest net student a $50 bond — A $50 savings bond was won by Robert Wallace, a carpentry student, in a poster contest at Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute in Presque Isle. Hollis Burgess, chairman of the Sixth Annual Open House at Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute, announced Wallace as the winner of the contest which was held annually for the best poster depicting Open House activities at NMVTI. Wallace’s poster was selected on the basis of simplicity of design and having all information included and eye-catching theme. Contestants submitting posters to the committee for judging included Nancy Beaupre, office occupations; Kathy Welch, office occupations; Leonard Martin, radio and TV; John Burns, carpentry; and Bruce Folsom, carpentry.  

New FFA officers — New officers elected Saturday, April 6, at the annual meeting of the Northern District Future Farmers of America. Some of those attending were Mike Kinney, sentinel, Easton; Randy Martin, vice president, Presque Isle; Alan Perry, outgoing president, Presque Isle; Warren Grass, president-elect, Mars Hill; Cindy Cyr, secretary, Fort Fairfield; and Naldo Gagnon of Limestone, treasurer.

Won SAD 42 Spelling Bee — The SAD 42 Spelling Bee was held at Bridgewater Grammar on Tuesday, April 2. The room champions from Grade six, seven and eight of Fort Street School in Mars Hill and Bridgewater Grammar School competed for the district championship. There were nine contestants in all with Fort Street School being represented by Ralph Johnson and Wanda Boyd, eighth grade; Lorie Scovil and Sandra Hawksley, seventh grade; and Deanna Sylvester and Marjorie York, sixth grade; The Bridgewater school was represented by Johnna Parks, grade eight; Jodie Davis, grade seven; and Michelle Folsom, grade six. The contest was won by Johnna Parks, 14, the daughter of Mrs. Ida Parks and Albert Parks of Bridgewater, who became the SAD No. 42 champion for the third year in a row. She was the activities editor for the Bridgewater Grammar School Yearbook and a capable student.

25 Years Ago – April 21, 1999

Easton Kiwanis president received an award — Easton Kiwanis president Barbara Blackstone was presented an award at the club’s April 15 meeting by member, Mary (Mike) Carter. The award was for being an Outstanding Citizen and chosen as the Aroostook County All-Star of the Year by WAGM-TV. Congratulations and best wishes came from 119 legislators and people of the state of Maine. The bill to have this award presented to Blackstone was introduced by state Representative Richard Kneeland of Easton, and co-sponsored by state Representative Leo Kieffer.

Car club results — The ‘Roostook County Car Club held races for radio-control cars and trucks on April 11 at the Aroostook Centre Mall in Presque Isle. Jason Theriault of Caribou ruled the 1/10th-scale stock car division, with Jim Krysiak of Presque Isle following. Ray Vogel of Caribou took third. Kyle Anderson of New Sweden had his way in the pro truck competition. Chris Parsons of Presque Isle  was the runner-up and Scott Clark of Ashland placed third. Fort Fairfield’s Ralph McDougal led the field in the monster truck race. Jesse Michaud of Limestone took second place and Devin Watson of Presque Isle ended up third. The four-wheel drive sedan division went to Theriault, with Vogel and Phil Hanson of Presque Isle the next racers to cross the finish line. McPherson earned top honors in the legends category, with Hanson second and Richard Parsons of Presque Isle third.