St. John Valley area From our Files – Week or April 17, 2024

Compiled by Linda Pelletier, Special to The County
9 months ago

50 Years Ago — April 17, 1974

  ‘Squirts’ end season with flourish – Real Pelletier, coach of the Squirts Hockey Team in Madawaska, helped Norman Chasse, police officer for the Town of Madawaska, draw the name of Francis Thibeault as winner of the team’s fundraising grand prize. The prize was a digital clock radio. Parents gave the youngsters an “end-of-season” party in the skating rink shed, complete with homemade cake and soft drinks. Coach Real was given a special gift of $40 by the boys and their parents.

25 Years Ago — April 21, 1999

Maine restaurants go smoke-free – Governor Angus King signed the first statewide smoke-free restaurant law in Maine this week. The new law, which eliminates smoking in about 5,500 restaurants and Class A restaurants/lounges throughout the state, will become effective in late August or early September. Maine is one of five states to pass this landmark legislation and is joined by more than 200 cities and towns nationally with smoke-free restaurant ordinances.

10 Years Ago — April 16, 2014 

No baseball for Van Buren — The Van Buren District Secondary School is without a baseball team for the 2014 spring sports season, coach Jay Edgecomb said in an April 9, 2014 email. Edgecomb said that “there are not enough players” to warrant a team this season. The Van Buren high school was in a similar predicament during the 2012 season, when the school did not have enough interest in the softball program to field a team.