Madawaska residents approve $9.5 million school budget

8 months ago

MADAWASKA, Maine – About 30 residents approved a $9,475,660 budget during the Madawaska school budget town meeting on Tuesday.

Out of this total, $4,814,265 will be funded locally. This represents a $224,275 increase over $4,589,990, which was the total amount funded locally last year.

The $4,814,265 was factored into an overall budget approved by the town selectmen earlier this month. This budget, which includes town and county expenses, has a total tax commitment of $8,146,900 – the same amount as last year. Madawaska Interim Town Manager Dan Foster said that while this year’s mill rate is currently unknown until officials know the valuation later this year, there is a reasonable expectation that Madawaska could see a slight reduction from last year’s mill rate.

Madawaska’s mill rate last year was $25.40 per $1,000 of evaluated property.

Madawaska’s school budget included a few major increases, however these were mostly offset through increased revenues and better results through this year’s EPS (Essential Programs and Services) funding formula. This year, the state required the town to contribute $36,396 less in order to receive funding. They also contributed $100,589 more than last year. 

And while nearly all items were approved by a show of hands, Article 13, which asks if voters would approve funding an additional $2.2 million beyond the state’s EPS funding formula, was approved by written ballot with 21 in favor while 11 were opposed.

The major increase this year includes spending $425,000 of undesignated funds for two major projects. The first is a window project at Madawaska Middle/High School that needs to be done to align with a siding project awarded via the Maine School Revolving Renovation Fund.

The other project is to replace two 30-year old boilers at the elementary school. One boiler is no longer working, and the other is solely heating the school. 

Sirois said it is estimated to cost roughly $250,000 to replace the boilers.

As of May 28, the school has received one quote for the project, which estimates a project cost of $203,000 to $230,000 plus supplier tank installation.

With the school budget approved during the May 28 meeting, the next step is for voters to authorize the budget during the upcoming June 11 election. The municipal election is set for June 11 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall on 172 Fox Street.

Residents will be able to vote on the final budget during Madawaska’s annual town meeting on June 25 at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Madawaska High School Cafeteria on 135 7th avenue.