Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of May 29, 2024

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
8 months ago

99 Years Ago – May 28, 1925

Ashland High School students take part in the County Track Meet — About 45 members of the Ashland High School went to Houlton Friday, by car, accompanied by Mrs. Jones. The boys went to take part in the County Track Meet; the seniors went to have their pictures taken and others went to witness the meet. In the meet, Winslow won second place in the high jump and Lewis Coffin won second in the broad jump.

50 Years Ago – May 29, 1974

Outstanding teachers — William Gerrish and Dave Maxey were chosen Outstanding Elementary Teachers of America for 1974, which is an annual awards program honoring distinguished men and women for their exceptional services, achievements and leadership in the field of elementary education. These men were nominated by their principal earlier in the year and were selected on the basis of their professional and civic achievements. Both Maxey and Gerrish taught at the Cunningham Middle School in Presque Isle.

Rotary presented a plaque — On Monday, May 20, the Presque Isle Rotary Club sprung for lunch for the senior girls of Presque Isle High School at their regular meeting at the Northeastland Hotel. The senior boys had lunch with the Rotarians a few days later, completing a Rotary tradition honoring the PIHS student graduates. The Rotarians presented a plaque to Miss Llori Lamoreau at the luncheon, in appreciation of her “outstanding service to high school and community.” She’s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Lamoreau of Presque isle.

Eastoner named postmaster — The appointment of Marguerite F. Brown of Easton as postmaster of Smyrna Mills was announced by William F. Bolger, regional postmaster general, Northeast region. Mrs. Brown, who had been serving as officer-in-charge of the Smyrna Mills post office for the previous year, had been with the U.S. Postal Service for over 27 years. In accordance with the merit selection procedures of the Postal Reorganization Act, Mrs. Brown was nominated for the postmastership by the Northeast regional Management Board and appointed by Postmaster General E. T. Klassen.

25 Years Ago – June 2, 1999

WalMart awards grant — The Presque Isle WalMart store presented the New Sweden Rhythmettes with a $300 grant. Those present receiving the check from Dick Campbell, WalMart community  public relations director, were Sharon McLaughlin, Rhythmettes coach; Amber Fisher and Alysia Thibodeau, Rhythmettes captains; Brianna Jones, Chelsea Reynolds, Rhythmettes captain; Sarah Turnbull, Marianne Paul and Jessica Tilley, all Rhythmettes members.

Miss Brigewater — Four girls participated in the 1999 Little Miss Bridgewater Pageant and four girls went home with a special title. They were Emily Finnemore, LIttle Miss Bridgewater; Megan DeLong, Little Miss Talented; Kaila Foster, Little Miss Bridgewater; and Robyn Graham, Little Miss Photogenic.