Lions hold 2nd most successful auction

Terry Sandusky, Special to The County
8 months ago

Mapleton Lions Club President Rick Fowler thanks everyone who attended and support the 62nd annual Lions Club auction.  

The funds raised will be used for college scholarships, eyeglasses for those in need, sponsorship of the Mapleton Boy Scout Troop, support of Mapleton Daze, sponsorship of a local student to Aroostook Teen Leadership Camp, support of the Mapleton Summer Recreation and Little League Programs, and many other community needs.

The Mapleton Lions Club held its 62nd annual charity auction May 18 at the Lions Hall. Here Auction Chair Matt Gregg thanks everyone who attended the auction to support the club and its charities. Also Auction Co-Auctioneer Ron Leonard and Club President Rick Fowler worked with Lion Matt to manage the evening.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

Auction Chair Matt Gregg described this year’s auction as the second most successful auction in the club’s long history.  Cash donations, product and service donations made by area businesses and the generous spirit of those who attended and purchased items made it a big success.   

Now that the auction Memorial Day parade and remembrance ceremony have come and gone, the cub is preparing for its annual chicken barbecue at the 35th annual Mapleton Daze week.  The Lions invite everyone to attend and participate in the festivities.  Come for dinner and help the club raise funds for their many community support activities.

Mapleton Lions auctioneer Ron Leonard (left) led the selling of donated items at the club’s 62nd auction. At the table are President Rick Fowler and Lion Ron Pelletier, who tracked items and bids. Dennis Turner displays items for the crowd.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

The Mapleton Daze Committee thanks everyone who attended their baked bean and ham supper prior to the auction.  All the funds raised from the supper will help with expenses for the annual festival.  

Mapleton Daze gears up

Mapleton Daze is just a month away and the many events and activities are coming together to make for a fun-filled and exciting week.  

Mapleton Daze started as a one-day event that has now grown into a weeklong series of activities to be enjoyed by residents of Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman.

The committee is looking for businesses, organizations, clubs and other individuals to join in the annual Mapleton Daze Parade.  This parade is one of the County’s biggest and will be held on Saturday, June 29.  

Lineup will start at 9 a.m. at the corner of Dudley Road and Main Street.  The parade will kick off at 10 a.m. and go all the way through town to Mapleton Elementary School.

Trophies will be awarded for the following parade categories:  Best Antique Vehicle, Best Business, Best Non Profit, Best Queen Float, Best Tractor and Best Overall Entry.  

For information, reach out to Mapleton Daze Committee President Lynnelle Foster at 207-227-5896, message her on Facebook or message the Mapleton Daze Facebook page.   

Camp needs counselors

Baptist Park is preparing for its 93rd year of operation.  The camping season begins June 30 and end Aug. 3There will be three and a half weeks of overnight camping for kids of various ages, and 11 days of day camp for younger kids.  

There will be Flight Camp for ages 14-18, Outdoor Adventure Camp for ages 13-18 and Maxed Out Adventure Camp for ages 11-14.  A half-week overnight camp for Mountain Climbers ages 9-11 will be available.

The camp needs student counselors. If interested, contact Scott at 207-554-8777 and set up a time to serve. Applications and other information regarding Baptist Park can be found at

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at