Baptist Park opens renovated pool

Terry Sandusky, Special to The County
3 months ago

On Saturday, July 13, Baptist Park officially opened its pool to the public for weekend swimming.  

After a successful  Swim Buddy Donor Program, which raised more than $30,000 for pool renovation, Baptist Park decided to open the pool for weekend family swimming fun. It will be open through July and August on Saturdays from noon to 6 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 3 p.m.  

There is no admission fee.  Youth under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

The improvements include new water circulators, the addition of a wood furnace to heat the pool, straightening of the walls, new metal roofing, new metal and vinyl siding, replacement windows, removal of an old fireplace, plumbing replacement, decking paved and finally a new pool liner.  

This five-year project resulted in the complete rehabilitation of the Park’s indoor pool, which is clean and safe for all to use.  For any additional information regarding the use of the pool, please contact Baptist Park.

Healthy Aging Luncheon Held in Mapleton

A Healthy Aging luncheon was held July 11 at the State Road Advent Christian Church, sponsored by Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital. Gail Phair-Kirk, manager of clinical services for Northern Light Home Care & Hospice, discussed several myths and stories about hospice care. 

Gail Phair-Kirk, manager of clinical services for Northern Light Home Care and Hospice, spoke on the need for and how to obtain hospice services during the Healthy Aging luncheon, held at the State Road Advent Christian Church and hosted by Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital. (Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

After describing personal experiences with providing hospice care, Phair-Kirk went on to explain the importance of preparing the family for challenges of end-of-life care.  She explained the importance of talking openly and directly with family members about what is happening.  Use of clear language is critical in order to bring increased comfort to the patient and ease the family through what may be a lengthy period of care or a very short but intense event.  

Hospice staff assist everyone and serve as a link between medical service providers and the family.

Many families wish for the loved ones to remain at home for as long as possible and hospice care can help support them in this effort.   Sometimes this is not possible and a stay at their Aroostook House of Comfort can help loved ones to be close by as symptoms are being managed by the home staff, she said.

New Lion

On Monday, July 1, the Mapleton Lions Club inducted Phil Cote into club membership.  Cotel has been a longtime supporter of the club as he lives almost directly across the street from the Mapletion Lions Hall.  He has pitched in and helped the club on many projects.  

The Mapleton Lions Club was pleased to induct Phil Cote into the club. Lion Phil has helped the Lions Club on many occasions in the past and decided he should formally join and be part of the organization.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

As a new member he has already worked on the club’s annual chicken barbecue, summer raffle and holiday light maintenance.  

The members welcomed him formally into the club after being sworn in as a new member.  He is the new Baby Lion, which accords him special privileges until the next new member is brought into the club.

Summer is Here

The Mapleton Recreation Department has posted on its Facebook page the schedules for Little League games and hours for the pool and the availability of free lunches for kids.  Please check for more information.

On really hot days the pool free swim house are from 2 to 6:45 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 1 to 4:45 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. There is no charge for the pool and it is open to everyone.  

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at