Forbidden for pets

Carolyn Cheney, Special to The County
2 months ago

Being the kind of people we are who love animals so much, it is tempting at times to want to share all of our goodies with our dogs and cats. But forbidden foods for our four-legged friends are many and can be very dangerous if ingested.  

Sometimes, we give our pets leftovers or what we consider treats. According to experts from various animal websites, some of the human foods can make an animal very sick and in certain cases be lethal.

Raw meat/bones. Raw meat and bones should not be given to animals.  Years ago, one of my dogs managed to pull a chicken carcass off the countertop.  I was able to get to him very quickly, but he had eaten a few of the bones.  I watched him closely for a few days, but we were very lucky.  He had no repercussions, but not all pets are that lucky.  

Uncooked meat may transmit E-coli, and meat bones can cause serious problems for dogs by splintering, creating an intestinal blockage or tears in the digestive system.  The best bet is to buy rawhide bones for your dog to enjoy.  

Onion and garlic.  I never thought of onion and garlic causing problems for pets, but these seasonings can cause gastrointestinal irritations.  This is more prevalent among cats than dogs.

Alcohol. Beer and wine are extremely harmful for pets to drink.  Don’t ever give your pet some beer to see how he will act.  It is cruel and could make your animal very ill.  

Caffeine/chocolate. Food and drink items containing caffeine or chocolate should never be given to animals as they contain the chemical methylxanthine.  If animals ingest this chemical, they can become very sick with vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity and other unwanted problems.  

Avocados. Avocados contain a toxin called persin, a fungicidal toxin which is harmless to humans, but can be very toxic to animals. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea.  

Some fruits. Grapes, raisins and currants can be toxic to our four-legged friends.  Fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, bananas and seedless watermelons are fine, however.   It is important that we don’t give them fruits which have pits, as the pits can lodge in their throats.  

Raw yeast dough. I have never thought of yeast dough being a problem for a dog or cat, but if you have dough rising in a bowl in your kitchen, and your animals are as curious as some of mine have been, make sure they cannot get into the dough bowl. Raw dough can expand in the stomach and cause some serious problems.  

Other items. Macadamia nuts are another no-no, as is the the artificial sweetener called xylitol. Xylitol is used in various products — cookies, gum and most diet products — and can cause a very serious reaction in a pet.  

If your pets are anything like mine, they are always looking for a treat, so please be careful when choosing what to give them.

Watch the news for when our new building will be open. It is an exciting time for all of us at the Central Aroostook Humane Society.

Carolyn Cheney is on the Central Aroostook Humane Society board of directors.