Houlton From our Files – Week of September 4, 2024

Compiled by Breanna Maples, Special to The County
2 months ago

75 Years Ago – August 25, 1949

Harvey Co. Announces 13th Potato Contest — The J.R. Harvey Company announces the sponsorship of its 13th big potato contest which will begin Thursday, September 1, and close November 1. It is open to all farmers in Aroostook County who can produce over size spuds. To celebrate this 13th consecutive contest by the company, it was announced that the prizes total $10 and will be divided into three awards as follows: first $5, second $3, and third $2. This contest annually attracts considerable attention, not only from the giant potatoes which are entered in it but also in the freaks in spuds and other vegetables which are exhibited in the Harvey Company window during the two months of the contest. The awards are on the basis of weight.

Churchill Buys The Sports Shop — Announcement was made this morning by Phillip B. Churchill of his purchase from Frank H. Totman of the Northern Maine Sports Shop, wholesale and retail dealers in everything for the sportsman. The store is located next to the J.C. Penney Company in Market Square here. Established in January, 1947, the store has been under the management of Arthur Towle since that time. The personnel will remain unchanged, Mr. Churchill stated, with Mr. Towle having supervision of the wholesale end of the business throughout Aroostook, Penobscot, and Washington counties. Mr. Churchill will take over the retail department. The new owner is a native of Houlton and has long been active in the clothing business here.

50 Years Ago – August 04, 1974

Troop 161 Has Annual Cookout — Boy Scout Troop 161 of Linneus held their annual cookout Saturday with parents and friends as guests. The menu included hot dogs, roast corn, coffee and punch. An appreciation clasp was presented to Perley Alexander for allowing them to have their camp site on his farm. A gift was also presented to Carrol Fulerton, Scoutmaster of Monticello for his assistance to Troop 161, at Camp Rossevelt, while on their summer camping trip. Guests from Monticello were Lawrence Prosser, Kevin Upton and Robert Ford.

Schools To Help Train Forest Crop Harvesters — Maine’s pulp and paper companies estimate they are 2000 short of the number of workers needed to harvest the forest crop. With an increasing demand for wood-based products, the shortage is becoming more acute. Because of the demand, opportunities are excellent for trained harvesters. Pay scales are high – a survey of wood cutter wages by the Maine Employment Security Commission indicates average earnings of $5.20 per hour for the year ending May, 1974. This is nearly double the State of Maine average for all other workers.

25 Years Ago – September 8, 1999

Good Neighbor Day A Success — The third annual “Good Neighbor Day” went off with a bang last Wednesday as Chadwick Florist, along with other area businesses, teamed up to put some cheer in the lives of others by giving away 13,000 roses. “We passed out 1,125 dozen roses to people which was 3,000 more than we did last year,” said Debbie Nisbett of Chadwick Florist. Nisbett said that a lot of people shared flowers at local nursing homes and the hospital. Several people returned for additional batches of roses to share with friends and neighbors.

Large Trees — Frank Peltier along with Milton Lambert have been out measuring trees in the area. This large pine, located on the Porter Settlement Road measures 174 inches in circumference. Peltier challenges anyone to find a larger tree in the area.