Houlton area From our Files – Week of September 18, 2024

Compiled by Breanna Maples, Special to The County
1 month ago

75 Years Ago – September 1, 1949

Local Legion Home To Have Addition — The Chester L. Briggs post of the American Legion has awarded a contract for remodeling, renovating and building an addition to the Legion Home to Don Caldwell of Houlton, Joseph Holland, post commander announced today. Work has already started on the home and the addition will be made of brick to conform with requirements of the fire zone area, Mr. Holland said. The exterior of the home will also be painted in  a light cream color. The building committee consists of: William J. Goode, chairman, John Chapman, Frank L. Leavitt, James O’Brien, Charles McLean and Joseph West.

Announce Vets Claims System — Veterans and dependents of deceased veterans who, subsequent to Pearl Harbor Day, became eligible for pension or compensation benefits but were prevented from making application due to enemy action, may receive retroactive awards under the recently-approved Public Law 195, Myles Cronkite, Officer-in-Charge, Houlton VA Office said today. 

50 Years Ago – September 18, 1974

Haskell Confers With Teachers — State Senator Floyd Haskell has been meeting with teacher groups throughout Southern and Central Aroostook gathering information for a joint select committee of the State Legislature. The joint committee, of which Sen. Haskell is a member, is studying the Municipal Bargaining Act, and is gathering information before recommending to the 107th Legislature any possible changes for the Act. In meetings with teachers groups in Mars Hill, Houlton and Fort Fairfield, Sen. Haskell has been seeking teacher input on such proposals as a limited right to strike, and on standards for arbitration.

Ricker Says It Can Balance Budget With 250 Students — Ricker College opened its doors for the 1974-75 academic year last week and college president William Abbott said he’s delighted by the student enrollment and the quality of the student body. Enrollment on the Houlton campus is nearly 250 and all evidence points to an even higher figure for the second semester of the current college year, Dr. Abbott said.

25 Years Ago – September 22, 1999

Hundreds Recognized During Appreciation Day — For the fourth consecutive year, the town sponsored the event as a way to honor those who work to make the community a better place to live. Members of the Houlton Town Council and other department heads prepared hot dogs and hamburgers on grills outside the new Millar Civic Center. Once cooked, the food was taken into the facility where the volunteers helped themselves. Many local businesses donated to the cause. Houlton Police Chief Darrell Malone found himself in the kitchen area of the civic center cooking onions for the hot dogs and hamburgers. Malone, who has attended every Volunteer Appreciation Day, said he felt the event was necessary. 

Smoke-Free Restaurant Legislation in Effect — For some, it’s an occasion for celebration, while for others it will be an annoyance that may disrupt their dining experience. It is the smoke-free restaurant legislation passed April 9 which prohibits smoking in Maine restaurants. The Legislation went into effect Saturday, Sept. 17, and prohibits the use of tobacco products in all eating establishments. There is one exception however. Class A lounges, hotel lounges and taverns whose primary business is liquor sales and whose licensing requirements do not allow minors under 21 without a parent or guardian, are exempt from the law. There are 340 such establishments in Maine.