Washburn Estates seniors hold luau

18 years ago

Luau luncheon
Five members of the Loring Job Corps Student Government Association provided some senior citizens at Washburn Estates with a real Hawaiian luau. Helping with the event were Vice President Tahesha Bryan, President Matthew Cousins, Treasurer Harry Wilson, Lapraya Little and James Battista. 

The group’s Student Leadership Coordinator and Student Government Staff Advisor Deb Cyr brought the group over and also assisted with the meal. The Job Corps students mingled with and waited on the seniors, seeming to enjoy themselves as much as their efforts were enjoyed.
The menu included ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, peas, rolls a fruit cup, pineapple upside down cake and rainbow sherbet, along with coffee, tea, lemonade and iced tea. The dining area was decorated in Hawaiian style, including pink flamingos, a sun décor, beach balls, Hawaiian umbrellas and grass hangings. All guests wore leis, ribbons and flowers for their hair. Party hats, horns and whistles as well as special Aloha Mints were in abundance.
A special time was also noted during the event, with Eleanor Cunningham celebrating her 87th birthday. The Job Corps students presented her with some special peach-colored roses for her birthday, and Eleanor was heard to say the event was a “great idea” and she had a fine time. Eleanor was married to the late Floyd Cunningham for 66 plus years and has five children, 14 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.
The group finished the day’s activities with a few games of Bingo, called by Job Corps students. Several door prizes and Bingo prizes were won by the seniors, and all left the games with prizes and a sincere hope to do it again sometime in the near future.

Birthdays and anniversaries
A special belated birthday wish goes out to Lily Helton. Others celebrating birthdays this week include: Amanda White, Tracy Whitten, Lori Dahlgren, Tolly Myshrall, Zachary Forbes, Larry Hallowell, Amanda Harvath, Nancy Dickinson, Andy Soucier, Robin Keener, Jaime Maynard, Michael Maynard, Karen Milton, Christian Fox, Jayden Grace Harris, John Churchill, Sally Sargent, Nancy Griffin, Melissa Kershaw, Benjamin LeConey, Joni Howlett, Erika Churchill, Tom Bolstridge, Devin Thompson, Lorraine Harrison, Mike Myshrall, Tyler Jardine, Fred Tompkins, Wade Snyder and Linda Connolly.
Special anniversary wishes go out to Atwood and Dot Sperry and David and Cathy Conley.

Events and reminders
There will be an SAD 45 School Board meeting held at 7 p.m. at the elementary school cafeteria on Monday, May 7. All interested residents are urged to attend.
The Perham Planning Board will meet on Tuesday, May 1, at 7 p.m. at the Perham Town Hall and meetings are open to all town residents.
TOPS meet each Monday at the clubhouse. For information, contact Birdina Cochran at 455-8353.
Brownie Girl Scouts from Troop 194 will meet at the Rec Center on Monday, April 23,  5:30-7 p.m.
The Eatwell Nutrition Program will meet at the Washburn Rec Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, April 20, and the theme for April will include ‘Breakfast Basics.’
Washburn’s Paul Clayton and Friends play at the K of C building in Presque Isle on the second and last Saturday of each month. Their next scheduled session will be held on Saturday, April 28.
The Washburn Rotary will be holding their annual Rotary Auction on Saturday, April 28, at the high school. The supper starts at 5 p.m. with the auction to follow. Their menu this year includes turkey and roast beef, along with side dishes including potatoes, peas, carrots, rolls, strawberry shortcake, rolls along with coffee and tea.
Tickets are $6 and are available from any Rotarian or at the door.
The next order week of the Friendly Co-Op will be held on Monday, May 7, through Friday, May 11, and the scheduled pick up date is Friday, May 18. For further information, phone Brenda Helton at 455-8421.

Library bookmarks
The monthly Story Hour at Washburn Memorial Library is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18, at 5:30 p.m. There will be stories, snacks, prizes and fun for all.

Kindergarten registration
SAD 45 – Perham, Wade and Washburn – will hold registration for children entering pre-kindergarten in the fall. Registration is scheduled for Friday, April 27, at the elementary school from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment only.
To be eligible for pre-kindergarten, a child must be four years old or older on or before Oct. 15, 2007. A valid state birth certificate and immunization record must be presented at  time of registration.

Project Graduation
On Friday, April 27, there will be a special Bingo Night held at the Washburn Snowmobile Clubhouse on Station Road. Proceeds from the event will go towards the fundraising efforts for the Class of 2007 Project Graduation events.
Members of the Class of 2007 thank all who attended the Ms. Washburn Pageant, and cordially invite the general public to attend a special spaghetti dinner scheduled for Saturday, May 12, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The senior class members will be selling tickets in the near future for this event.

Rec Center schedule
On Wednesday, April 18, there will be a field trip to Presque Isle McDonald’s and bowling to follow. This is for grades 4 – 6 and limited to the first 14 who sign up. The van will be leaving from the Rec Center at 11:45 a.m. and returning at 2:30 p.m. You need to phone the Rec Center at 455-4959 to sign up. The cost for bowling is $5 and students will need money for lunch. On Thursday, April 19, there will be a trip to the Presque Isle indoor pool for grades 4 to 6 and the van will be leaving the Rec Center at 12:30 p.m. and returning at 3:30 p.m. This event is limited to the first 14 signing up and you will need to call the Rec Center to sign your child up. The cost will be $2 and your child must be able to swim without a life preserver to go on this trip. On Friday, April 20, there will be rollerskating at the Melody Roller Rink in Caribou for grades K – 8. The bus will be leaving the elementary school at 12:30 p.m. and returning at 3:30 p.m. The cost is $3 for admission and an extra $2 for the rent of roller-blades. The concession stand will also be open for the event.      On Monday, April 23, and Monday, April 30, there will be men’s basketball from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

ATV news
The last scheduled meeting of the Washburn Beaver’s ATV meeting was postponed and has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 2. This will be an important meeting as election of officers will be held as well as voting on bylaw revisions. Members can request a copy of  proposed bylaw changes: washburnatv@yahoo.com.
The club will also be sending out a mailing to all who registered an ATV in the towns of Perham, Wade, Washburn and Crouseville. This will include a notice of the meeting, copy of the bylaw changes and a club application.
One special reminder is that all trails will be closed for ‘mud season’ until May 15.

Municipal information
The Washburn Town Council held their regular meeting on Monday, April 9, at the Civic Center. Prior to the Council meeting, a public hearing was held on the Washburn Water and Sewer District. Steve Levy, the executive director of the Maine Rural Water Association, held the public hearing and there were no comments or questions.
This issue will go to a teferendum vote at a special election held on Tuesday, June 12, at the Civic Center, with polls open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Passage of this referendum will make the Washburn Water and Sewer Departments a quasi municipal district. This would have the district be a user-supported service rather than current taxpayer-supported service.
The Council approved the March 20 minutes of the Town Meeting and Council meeting and reviewed the financial figures through March 31, 2007. The Council also reviewed several letters of information including one from the Northern Maine Development Commission concerning GIS mapping, another concerning the county tax mill and signed off on a letter regarding proposed communication training with SAD 45.
The Manager’s Report informed the Council on a letter requesting some early information on the 2010 Census. There was also a request from the Greater Van Buren Chamber of Commerce – Commercial Port of Entry Committee for a letter of support concerning their efforts to change their community’s status as a Permit Port to a Commercial Port. The Washburn Council will take this under consideration and vote at the May Council meeting which is scheduled for Monday, May 14, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center.
The town of Washburn will be accepting applications for a part-time clerk. Anyone wishing to apply may contact the Town Office in person or by phoning 455-8485 during regular business hours from 7 to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Fire Department embers
On Saturday, April 28, the Washburn Fire Department will be holding a Pancake Breakfast at the firehouse. The tasty pancakes will be served with a wide variety of toppings from syrups to fruity jellies and jams. Breakfast will be served from 6 to 9 a.m. and the cost is $5 for adults and $2.50 for ages 12 and under. Proceeds from this event will go towards tools and training for the Washburn Fire Department.