Easton Pack 187 enjoys Derby

15 years ago

Easton Pack 187 enjoys Derby

By Debbie Smith
Special to the Star-Herald

    EASTON — The Easton Cub Scouts Pack 187 participated in their annual Pine Wood Derby recently. The Loring Job Corps Color Guard presented colors and were judges at the event. 

    All Scouts participated with excellent sportsmanship and pride in their presentations. The boys would like to thank the judges from Loring Job Corps, Greg and Keagan Page for car weigh-in, and Kathy and Tom Peary for their assistance in the event.
    All parents in attendance are to be lauded for their participation and efforts in supporting their Scout. The winners of the event were Ryan West, John Anderson and Aidan Maxwell.
     Cheer on your favorite Scout on Saturday, Feb. 27, at the Aroostook Centre Mall in Presque Isle. The Easton finalists will be competing there.
    Scouts will also have a booth accepting non-perishable foods for the food pantries. Boxes of dry cereal is what they will be collecting. This will be distributed through Catholic Charities to all local food pantries. Thank you for your support.


Photo courtesy of Debbie Smith

    EASTON CUB SCOUTS PACK 187 recently participated in their annual Pine Wood Derby. Pictured, from left: Eyan Francis, Logan Embleton, Chris Place, Aidan Maxwell, Ryan West, John Anderson, Brandon Dickinson, Joseph Anderson and Paul Bonner. Absent from the photo were: Liam Maxwell, Chriss Busse and Dawson Haney.