Easton School Committee meets June 5

8 years ago

EASTON, Maine — The Easton School Committee will meet Monday, June 5, 2017, at the Easton Elementary School library following the town budget meeting.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Announcements
  3. Public Participation

4, Adjustments to Agenda

  1. Approve the May 8, 2017 regular board meeting minutes (enclosed)
  2. Approve the May 2017 financial report (enclosed)
  3. New Business:
  4. Building Committee Report
  5. Budget
  6. Staffing
  7. Renew Probationary Contract
  8. Move to Continuing Contract
  9. Policies; second reading and approval of Policy JICK-Bullying (enclosed)
  10. Executive Session
  11. Reports
  12. Chair
  13. Superintendent
  14. Jr/Sr High Principal
  15. Elementary Principal
  16. Next Committee Meeting
  17. Adjourn