Support local rec in Mapleton

15 years ago

Support local rec in Mapleton

To the editor:
    We are writing regarding the loss of the summer rec activities in the town of Mapleton. As grandparents of a 7-year-old who participated in T-ball, tennis and arts and crafts, we are very disappointed in the selectmen of our tri-communities for vetoing this program. 

    We agreed with the letter to the editor March 17, 2010 written by PIHS senior Keenan Eaton. How are the kids of our communities going to learn the basic skills of baseball, soccer and tennis? Big deal, they can go to Presque Isle. How are they going to get there? Will the town provide transportation to and from? It is doubtful.
    Seclectmen of Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill, we voted you in office for the good of our towns. Our towns include our children and grandchildren. Why would you cut these important programs? Don’t you remember being part of these activities? Haven’t we already saved enough money this winter on the cost of overtime plowing snow and the cost of salt to pay for these programs?
    The kids deserve a home town that shows they are wanted. Let’s show them by giving back the rec activities. Raise the fees if you have to, but do the right thing and keep our kids in their hometown.

Larry and Debbie Sawyer
Castle Hill