Extension gathers

15 years ago

    On March 22, 13 members of the Spragueville Homemakers Extension met at the home of President Tammy Wheeler.
Prior to the business meeting, guest speaker Robin Holmes, of Visiting Nurses of Aroostook/Hospice, gave a very interesting and informative presentation on the hospice program, and the proposed “House of Comfort.”

    Following Robin’s presentation, President Tammy called the meeting to order, followed by the recitation of “The Homemakers Creed.”
Secretary/treasurer LaVone Walters took roll call, recorded volunteer hours and gave her respective reports. Thank-you’s were read from Scott Thompson, for the extension’s participation in the “Take It Outside Family Fun Day” at Aroostook State Park, the PI Snowmobile Club for the Extension’s participation in the “OTC Fun Day”, and also the Snowmobile Club’s open house at the new clubhouse. A thank-you was also read from LaVone Walters and family, for the donation to “House of Comfort,” in memory of her husband, Bob Walters. President Tammy also thanked the group for purchasing her ticket to represent the Extension at the PI Chamber of Commerce Annual Recognition Dinner.
Marilyn Wheeler announced that a Volunteer Recognition Dinner will be held at the PI Snowmobile Clubhouse on April 17, for those who wished to attend.
Tammy announced that the spring meeting of the Maine Extension Homemakers Council will be held for one day only in Augusta on May 1. Marilyn said she would have registration forms available for those interested in attending. The Aroostook County Extension spring meeting will be held May 8, at the Limestone United Methodist Church; members were asked to bring their own place settings, plus any cultural items they may have made for a display table.
It was voted to give a gift donation to Robin Holmes, in appreciation for her evening’s presentation.
It was also voted at this time to send Easter cards to the Extension’s shut-in members.
For “eye openers,” Norma Gudreau displayed a furry, stuffed animal she had made out of a leg lining of an Army snow suit. Also, Lois Griffin displayed tops of three quilts she’s in the process of making, plus a lovely shopping bag she had made.
The next regular meeting of the Extension will be held April 26, with members being notified of the time and location.
Following adjournment by the president, refreshments were served by Marilyn Wheeler, Joyce Bither and Tammy.