Houlton area From Our Files (week of June 21, 2017)

8 years ago

100 Years Ago – June 20, 1917

    Talented actress Miss Faye Davis, one of the most talented American actresses, is now filling a starring engagement at the Duke of York’s Theatre, London, England. Miss Davis is a native of Houlton, and made her first appearance on the stage as Little Meenie, the child.

     Attend meeting D. B. Tingley, A. E. Mooers, and Howard Webb, went to Caribou, Monday, to attend a meeting of the Aroostook Food Conservation committee.

75 Years Ago – June 18, 1942

    Convention Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Esters left tonight via Canadian Pacific from Danforth to attend the 57th annual convention and tour of the National Editorial Association. The tour will start from Montreal and will include a cruise on the Saguenay River and stops at Manor Richieu in Murray Bay. The convention proper will be held at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec.

    Perfect attendance The only pupil in the first grade having perfect attendance for the full year was Marion Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burns Grant.

50 Years Ago – June 21 , 1967

    Grant Federal grants of $7,587 have been approved for Ricker College by the Office of Education according to Senator Edmund S. Muskie. Ricker was among 18 Maine colleges to have grants approved to buy library materials. The grant totaled $143,632.

    Button exhibit The Button Up Club placed hundreds of its buttons on display at the Gentle Memorial building. The remarkable exhibit featured antique and modern buttons of all sizes and descriptions. A few people there to display the buttons were: Mrs. Lenona Flanders, club vice-president; Mrs. Ralph T. Jones of Bangor, the club’s guest exhibitor; Mrs. Benjamin Sweet, club president; Mrs. Leonard Kneeland, club recording secretary; Mrs. Arthur Gentle, club program chairman; Mrs. Ellery Watson, club chaplain, and Mrs. George Sweet, social committee chairman.

25 Years Ago – June 17, 1992

   Healthy employees Houlton Regional Hospital employees that had not used sick time during 1991 were honored during National Hospital Week. Special recognition for their years of not missing work went o Betty Anderson, 10 consecutive years; Edna Cowperthwaite, nine years and Myrna Kinney, 10 years.

   Accepted — Paula L. Boyce has been accepted to Saint Joseph’s College in Windham. She is a 1992 graduate of Central Aroostook High School in Mars Hill, where she was recently inducted  into the National Honor Society. Paula will begin classes this fall, majoring in biology.