Presque Isle From Our Files (week of June 21, 2017)

8 years ago

102 Years Ago – June 24, 1915

Observing St. John’s Day — About 70 members of Trinity Lodge, F. & A. M., observed St. John’s Day by attending divine service at the Methodist Episcopal Church. The pastor Rev. G. Edward Allan preached a strong and logical sermon, and special music was rendered by the church choir.

Attending the opening of a new store — John Riley made a recent business trip to Limestone, where he attended the opening of the new Pattee & Riley dry goods store.

75 Years Ago – June 18, 1942

Local educator appointed to staff of Columbia University — Miss Marjorie H. Nichols, Director of Teacher Training at The Aroostook State Normal School, received appointment to the Staff of Teachers College of Columbia University, New York City for the summer session, serving as Laboratory Assistant in the department where she majored-namely the field of Curriculum and Teaching in Teachers Colleges and Normals Schools. For the past four summers, she had been studying at this University completing her work for the Degree of M. A.

Nutter Rotary luncheon chief speaker — Fred Nutter, of Corinna, Chairman of the State U.S.D.A. War Board, was the guest speaker of the Rotary Club session in observance of Rural Urban Day. A chairman of the State Agricultural Conservation Association, was introduced to the 100 assembled Rotarians and guests by Milton E. Smith, chairman of the Rural-Urban Committee.

50 Years Ago – June 21, 1967

In the hole — Soil Scientist John Arno of the U.S. Soil Conservation service, USDA, explained to a group of vocational agriculture students the basic fundamentals of soil classification, interpretation and mapping procedures prior to the start of the annual Central Aroostook Soil Judging Contest, Limestone High School was first place winner in the regional event.

Underwriters’ new president — The Aroostook County association of Life Underwriters held its last regular meeting of the season at the Presque Isle Country Club with 35 members and guests present. High point of the meeting was installation of officers for the coming year. Installed were: president William Savary Jr. of Presque Isle; vice-president Rodney Black of Presque Isle;  treasurer Henry Theriault of Caribou; and secretary Dale McMullen of Caribou. Dale Collins of Presque Isle was presented a plaque as outgoing president.

25 Years Ago – June 17, 1992

PI undefeated — The Presque Isle summer soccer team remained unbeaten at 2-0-1 with a win and tie. The local eleven blanked Madawaska, 3-0, at the University of Maine Presque Isle field behind Wayne Martin’s two first-half goals. Todd Williard scored the lone second-half goal, unassisted. Dean Gendreau and Jason Pangburn combined in goals for the win. Presque Isle tied Southern Aroostook 1-1. Williard gave Presque Isle a 1-0 lead when Troy Caverhill lofted a pass from midfield and Martin headed it past the keeper to Williard.

Drug store planned move — Brooks Discount Center planned move to a new store in the former Graves’ Shop ‘n Save site on South Main Street in Presque Isle. The company also planned to open a 6,000 square-foot store in the Aroostook centre Mall, company president Gayle Doster said.