‘Value’ liquor taxes hurt Maine

7 years ago

To the editor:

Why is the state trying to make it harder for itself to earn revenue? The state liquor regulators are now proposing an increase in liquor prices for so-called “value products.”

People who are buying these products are, in part, doing so because they are generally cheaper than other products. If the prices are raised as much as is being proposed — up to a 50 percent increase in some cases — Mainers will find ways to save, including buying less from their local stores. Maine will lose out on revenue, and businesses will lose out on sales. People who buy these products aren’t just going to pay more no matter what, and that should be considered before these price increases are put into place.

It just doesn’t make sense to single out these brands and products for a price increase, possibly making it harder for Maine to recoup revenue from liquor sales. We need to be supporting what is working in our economy, not making policy that has the potential to harm our state’s revenue stream and the many locally-owned stores that sell these products.


Dana Connors
Maine State Chamber President