Skiing discounts offered through Washburn Rec Center

18 years ago

Rec Center Special Event

  The Washburn Recreation Department will be offering some very special discount tickets to Big Rock.

    For Big Rock Junior, ages 6 to 17, lift tickets will be sold for $14, and adult lift tickets will be available for $19. These are up to 24 percent off the regular prices, and there are no blackout dates. The passes are good for any day the venue is open during the 2007 season, and tickets will be available for sale until approximately April 1.  Tickets can be purchased at the Washburn Rec Center on Hines Street, and checks need to be made out to the Town of Washburn. All sales are final with no refunds or exchanges.

Events and Reminders

  Ladies of the United Methodist Women’s group will be meeting at the Lidstone Memorial Church on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m.

    On Wednesday, Jan. 10, there will be a Washburn Memorial Library Board of Trustees meeting at the library at 7 p.m. The library will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15, to recognize Martin Luther King Day. There is Bingo each Tuesday evening starting at 7 p.m. at the Trail Runners Snowmobile clubhouse on Station Road.

  TOPS meet each Monday at the Trail Runners clubhouse. For further information, contact Birdina Cochran at 455-8353.

    Get your Project Graduation raffle tickets for a variety of prizes from any senior student or from any committee member. The cost is $1 each for six for $5 and prizes will be drawn on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. There will be four sets of Pampered Chef prizes. The group is also selling tickets on a handmade Moose Antler Cribbage Board at the cost of $1 each or six for $5, and plenty of jars of locally-made honey. This group needs to raise a lot of money in a limited amount of time, so they appreciate all who can help them. All proceeds will go toward 2007 Project Graduation events.

  The Town Office will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15. The office will also be closing on Thursday, Feb. 1, for the purpose of closing the town books for the year. The annual town report is also being prepared, and all tax bills and sewer bills that are past due as of Jan. 31 will be listed in the town report.

  Dogs six months or older must be registered in the town where the dog is kept by Jan. 1 of each year. After Wednesday, Jan. 31, owners will be subject to a late fee of $15 plus the cost of the registration. The cost for a dog registration is $6 for spayed or neutered animals and $10 for those that are not.

Special Supper

    There will be a special supper held at the Washburn High School on Saturday, Jan. 20, for the benefit of Amber Palmer and her family. There will be a spaghetti supper and a silent auction to assist the family with Amber’s medical bills. The supper will be held at the high school from 5 to 7 p.m. and tickets are $5 each. They are available for purchase at the Washburn Town Office, and will also be available at the door. There will also be a 50/50 drawing during the evening with tickets available at the event. The Washburn Town Council, the town employees and many volunteers are sponsoring this event.

Municipal Elections

  Just a heads-up reminder that during the March municipal election, the ballot will include one position for a three-year term on the Washburn Town Council and two positions open for three-year terms on the SAD 45 School Board. Nomination papers for these positions are available at the Town Office.

Senior Citizen Cooking

   The Washburn Senior Group, along with Charlotte Wilson, nutrition aide for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, will be meeting on Friday, Jan. 19, at the Rec Center. They meet from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rec Center, and this month, the class will be concentrating on learning how to slightly alter traditional and family recipes to contain less fats, sugars, salt, etc., leading to healthy dishes and healthier seniors. New members are always welcome.

Rec Center Schedule

  On Wednesday, Jan. 10, there will be Cross Country skiing from 2:45-4:30 p.m. On Thursday, Jan. 11, there will be a grade 5-6 Girls Basketball game at Ashland. The bus will be leaving Washburn at 3:45 p.m.

  On Monday, Jan. 15, there will be practice for the grade 5-6 girls basketball team starting at 10 a.m. and the Boys grade 5-6 team will practice at 11 a.m. at the elementary school gym. On Tuesday, Jan. 16, there will be Cross Country skiing at the Nordic Heritage Center from 2:45 to 5:30 p.m.

  Basketball games for grades 5-6 Girls and Boys’ teams include the following: Thursday, Jan. 11, girls play at Ashland. The bus leaves Washburn at 3:45 p.m. for the 4:30 p.m. game. On Wednesday, Jan. 17, the boys play Caribou at Washburn at 5:30 p.m.

Girl Scout News

  Members from Junior Girl Scout Troop 15 and Brownie Troop 194 will be canvassing the Washburn area in the near future looking for customers with a sweet tooth. They are involved in the annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale, and this is a major fund-raiser for the troops, making their fun projects and badge earning times possible.

  There are the standard cookies still available, including Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Café Cookies, Do Si Dos, All Abouts, Trefoils and last but not least, the brand new addition for this year, Little Brownies. These are unusual and delicious Girl Scout cookies, made with sugar-free real chocolate chips. They are heart healthy, containing 0 percent trans fat, only 3 percent sodium and low in total carbohydrates, so they are both delicious and healthy.

  The troops will be out and about until the cutoff date of Jan. 29, and the cookies will be delivered during the month of March. If you are not contacted by a Brownie or Girl Scout, you may phone 455-8034 to place an order, and it will be credited to one of the two Washburn troops.

Community Race Day

  Pack 162 Cub Scouts will be holding this fun event at the Washburn Elementary School at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 20. Anyone needing to purchase a car please contact Stacey Skinner at 455-8475 or Greg Page at 455-8150. There is no entry fee for this event. The Cub Scouts will be racing in their Pinewood Derby the same day at 12 noon. Trophies for the Scouts will be awarded following the race. The entire community is invited to participate in this fun race.

Library ‘Bookmarks’

   The week of Jan. 7 through 13 is Maine Library Week. As part of the local celebration, there will be chances to win a Maine mug a day. There will also be chances for kids to win sports bottles. All you have to do is stop by the library and sign up for the daily drawings. On Wednesday, Jan. 10, there will be a Board of Trustees meeting at the library at 7 p.m.  The library will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15, to recognize Martin Luther King Day.

  The ladies of the Women, Work and Community program held their Christmas party with the guests each bringing a goody to eat and an ornament for a Yankee swap gift. This program is for women of the community to come together and share, along with workshops they hold from time to time. Anyone interested in joining this group is asked to call the library at 455-4814 for more information. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 10 from 9 to 11 a.m.

   On Dec. 27, the library sponsored the middle school book discussion group. There was a lively discussion ongoing throughout the evening on the book “Hoot,” and the students enjoyed a pizza and soda supper. Participants in this event included Desiraie Rediker, Kala Farley, Zach Dow, Julia Lunney, Rachel Dow, Ashleigh Lunney and Lindsey Blackstone. The book chosen for next month is “How To Eat Fried Worms” by Thomas Rockwell, and the meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 29, at 5 p.m. at the library.

  On Dec. 18, the library held its monthly Story Time with 39 children and 20 adults attending.

  The guests were delighted with a special appearance from Old Saint Nick. He read the story “The Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore, and stopped long enough to get a group photo with the kids before leaving to get ready for his busy Christmas Eve and morning activities.

  After the group settled down again, Peggy Bugbee read the book “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” by Robert L. May. Charlotte Wilson read “A Merry-Mouse Christmas A*B*C” by Priscilla Hillman. This is a popular children’s book, so most of the participants read the story right along with her. Charlotte then taught the children to make banana candles, as the “C” in the story stood for candles. They were made with pineapple rings, vanilla yogurt, half a banana and a cherry for the flame. The children left with their Christmas goodie bag bought by Librarian Katherine Corey.