15 years ago


    PRESQUE ISLE — The following cases were heard in the District Court in Presque Isle during the month of May, 2010.

    Michael R. King, 51, Mapleton: driving to endanger, $650 fine and 30-day license suspension, OUI, dismissed.
    Andrew J. Lajoie, 28, Presque Isle: criminal mischief, $200 fine.
    Whitney R. Langworthy, 24, Limestone: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.
    Chelsea R. Lilley, 22, Ashland: domestic violence assault, dismissed.
    Joseph H. Little, 69, Presque Isle: hunting or possessing deer during closed season, $1,000 fine and three days in jail, possession of antlerless deer and night hunting, dismissed (each).
    Ashley L. Lopez, 21, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 15 days in jail.
    Dustin D. McGillan, 24, Fort Fairfield: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 48 hours in jail and $39.99 restitution.
    Erica N. McNinch, 28, Mars Hill: violating condition of release, 20 days in jail.
    Shane Miller, 18, Mars Hill: operating ATV on public way, $100 fine.
    Michael J. Mills, 22, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.
    Joseph Monahan, 24, Presque Isle: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Victor Negron, Jr., 33, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, $400 fine.
    Danielle Nichols, 21, Caribou: criminal trespass, $150 fine.
    Rebecca Nickerson Cote, 20, Fort Fairfield: violating condition of release, 20 days in jail.
    Gary Nightingale, 30, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.
    Carmelo Gonzales Perez, 36, Presque Isle: operating vehicle without license, $200 fine.
    Jennifer Plourde, 32, Caribou: failure to pay parking ticket, $25 fine.
    Robert Poliero, 46, Presque Isle: possession of marijuana, filed on $400 costs.
    Buddy Robinson, 28, West Paris: operating while license suspended or revoked and violating condition of release, $250 fine (each) and 48 hours in jail (second).
    Nelson Rosado, 21, Newark, N.J.: violating protective order, $250 fine.
    Michael J. Saucier, Jr., 27, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine and 50 hours’ community service.
    Casey Smith, 28, Presque Isle: operating without safety equipment, $100 fine.
    Jeremiah R. Sock, 28, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer and violating condition of release, 24 hours in jail (each) and $700 restitution (first).
    James Stewart, 30, Mars Hill: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.
    Leticia A. Tracy, 22, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
    Earlon R. Turner, 43, Fort Fairfield: allowing minor to operate ATV in violation, $100 fine.
    Kelly E. Vincent, 52, Niagara Falls, N.Y.: rule violation operating after disqualified, dismissed.
    Sean M. Wadlington, 27, Mars Hill: violating condition of release and criminal trespass, five days in jail (each).
    Jill M. Wardwell, 30, Ashland: failing to register vehicle, $100 fine.
    John Washburn, 41, Monticello: operating vehicle without license, $250 fine.
    Crystal Marie Wells, 28, Caribou: OUI, no test, $600 fine, 96 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
    Jason S. Wickline, 36, Presque Isle: terrorizing and violating condition of release, 10 days in jail (each), OUI, no test, $600 fine, 10 days in jail and 90-day license suspension, and operating vehicle without license, $200 fine.
    Trisha M. Willette, 20, Presque Isle: minor possessing liquor (two counts), $200 fine (each).
    Kyle D. Williams, 21, Monticello: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Zachary M. Worcester, 23, Winter Harbor: making material misstatement of fact, $150 fine.
    Robert Wright Jr., 20, Fort Fairfield: violating condition of release, $250 fine and 10 days in jail.
    Chris Thomas Yale, 34, Mapleton: operating vehicle without license, cond/restric, $150 fine, OUI, one prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail and three-year license suspension and possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    PRESQUE ISLE — The following cases were heard in the District Court in Presque Isle during the month of June 2010.
    Gregory C. Adams, 48, Presque Isle: violating condition of release, $250 fine.
    Damian Argraves, 19, Mapleton: possession of marijuana, $350 fine and minor possessing liquor, $200 fine.
    Adam Austin, 30, Presque Isle: violating condition of release, two days in jail.
    Bartlett Forest Products, Orient: failing to register vehicle, dismissed and rule violation, other, $300 fine.
    Earl D. Bates, III, 37, Presque Isle: violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.
    Dustin Bean, 21, Presque Isle: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Eric S. Bisson, 21, Masardis: minor possessing liquor, $200 fine and possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Ryan Bradstreet, 18, Mars Hill: violating condition of release, $250 fine and 24 hours in jail.
    Glen Bragdon, Jr., 35, Caribou: operating after habitual offender revocation, $500 fine and 30 days in jail.
    Gerald E. Brooker, Sr., 61, Fort Fairfield: fish violation of number, amount, weight or size, $120 fine.
    Timothy J. Brooks, 55, Buckfield: fish violation of number, amount, weight or size, $120 fine.
    Adam Brown, 23, Presque Isle: operating/permitting operation of unregistered motorboat, $100 fine.
    Michael G. Brown, II, 29, Presque Isle: impersonating a public servant, filed without costs and violating condition of release, $250 fine and 48 hours in jail.
    Dylan K. Bucklin, 19, Presque Isle: violating protective order, $350 fine.
    Roxanne S. Burt, 50, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine and 50 hours’ community service; and attaching false plates, $100 fine.
    Richard K. Canty, 57, Presque Isle: killing or injuring animal with a motor vehicle, $200 fine.
    Robert Aaron Carney, 24, Presque Isle: criminal trespass, five days in jail; harassment by telephone, dismissed; domestic violence assault (two counts), $300 fine and 60 days in jail (first) and $500 fine, 90 days in jail and $3,217.94 restitution (second); violating condition of release (two counts), dismissed (first) and 90 days in jail (second).
    Justin T. Caron, 21, Ashland: unlawful possession of hydrocodone, permanent transfer and possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Rick A. Cassimore, 42, Ashland: failing to register vehicle, $150 fine.
    Raymond F. Chasse, 75, Portage Lake: failing to register vehicle, $100 fine.
    Todd A. Chasse, 28, Easton: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $750 fine and 50 hours’ community service.
    Josh Churchill, 19, Fort Fairfield: sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine.
    Thomas Churchill, 22, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault (two counts), $300 fine, 60 days in jail all but 48 hours suspended and one year probation (each); and violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.
    Clifford Clark, 36, Presque Isle: violating condition of release and violating protective order, $250 fine and five days in jail (each).
    Casey D. Clayton, 22, Caribou: criminal trespass, dismissed.
    Joshua Connolly, 22, Perham: operating under the influence, one prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail and three-year license and registration suspension; and operating vehicle without license – cond/restric, $250 fine.