Burglars hit unlocked vehicles

15 years ago

Burglars hit unlocked vehicles.

By Kathy McCarty

Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE — Summer in the Star City continues to be marred by a rash of car burglaries that began in July and have continued throughout the community, from Skyway Trailer Park to Dudley and Cedar streets, with numerous other streets making the list. 

    Since Tuesday of last week, the Presque Isle Police Department has received about two dozen calls from citizens reporting car burglaries.
    The common factor in every case, according to the PIPD, is each vehicle was unlocked when the crime occurred. In most cases, loose change and small electronic devices were reported stolen. Police also received reports of wallets and checkbooks being stolen from unsecured vehicles.
    Police urge owners to lock cars when unattended and to either remove valuables or store them out of view. Anyone with information is asked to call 764-4476.