Class of 2007 has ghoulish time

18 years ago

Senior class play
A very talented group of seniors got together to form the cast of a play entitled “Nightmare High School.” Washburn students performed the play with the background of a dark and rainy school night in the play directed by Mrs. Londa Brown.

The five-scene play included titles “The Book,” a “Food Fight,” The Absentee,” “Serial Killer” and “Class Conduct.” The actors and their roles were as follows: The Students – Colin, a rather strange student was played by Matt Connolly; Larry who was a drama student aka Adam Thompson; and Angela, a student with a high opinion of herself was played by Paige Huston. The school reporter, Charlene, was played by Amy Reed; and an easily-frightened average student, Kellie, was played by Sara Davis. A student with a secret was aptly portrayed by Amber Palmer; and the Locker Stalker was “Who?”
The Dream Characters were Colin’s friend Billie Jo, played by Katelynn Montgomery; Ms. Doar, the school principal, was acted out by Sally Reed; Ms. Cole, the teacher (who picked these character names?) was covered by Jaclyn Abar; and Mad Dog Mulligan, a crazed serial killer, was played by Ben Goupille. The school janitor, (another familiar name to WDHS), was played by Justin Dickinson; and the science teacher, Mr. Bell, was played by Robert Williams. The corpse, a victim of an experiment, was played by Margo McIntosh; and zombies were played by Alex Morrow, Jon Silber and Troy Wilcox; with students being played by Chelsey Hester and Steven Pesut.
The play was enjoyed twice, on May 6 and May 7, and was truly enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Hallett was the stage director, Brandon Corey handled the stage crew lights, Travis Drost was responsible for the stage crew props and Robert Williams took charge of the stage crew help. The sound crew consisted of Josh Gildert and Chris Bouchard, with prop construction and makeup being covered by Nolan Gagnon, Jaclyn Abar and Margo McIntosh. In charge of tickets was Chelsey Hester; posters were taken care of by Danielle Conley; and ticket sales were overseen by Ashlee Wright.
The cast and crew sends their appreciation out to all those who lent props for the play and Don Thompson for helping get the stage ready for the play and setting up the gym. They also note appreciation to the Perham Baptist Church for the use of the spotlight, Steve Davis for setting the light up and Zach Davis for operating the light during the performance.

Birthdays and anniversaries
May 19 is Armed Forces Day. Those celebrating birthdays that day include: Jordan Nelson, Megan Baker, Philip Rand and Pat Condon. Others celebrating birthdays this week include; Barbara Maynard, Jeremy Hartsgrove, Katie Easler, Shayne Stevens, Viola Bouchey, Lu Sharp, Rebecca Griffin, Erica Stewart, Robert Ecenarro, Merle Bragg Jr., Alex McIntosh, Nick McIntosh, Raquelrae Chubon, Dean Bird, Audrey Pavlik, Breannon Doughman,  Chandler Dobson, Morgan Everett, Becky Hernandez, Virginia Ecenarro, Don Thompson Jr., Rayne Whitten, Anna Bartlett, John Young, Chris Hartsgrove, Rene Gabourie and Emma Katherine Tupper.
Anniversary wishes go out to: George and Betty Connor, Adam and Julie Doody, Bill and Ruth Flewelling, Jennifer and Jerry Thompson and Robert and Angela Burchett.

Upcoming events/reminders
One special reminder is that all ATV trails will be closed for ‘mud season’ until May 15. The state currently recommends that they be closed until May 30, and after the May 15 timeline, the trails locally will be inspected weekly and further information will be provided.
TOPS meet each Monday at the clubhouse. For further information, contact Birdina Cochran at 455-8353.
The next scheduled planning meeting for the August Festival will be held on Wednesday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Center.
Washburn’s Paul Clayton and Friends play at the K of C building in Presque Isle on the second and last Saturday of each month. Their next scheduled session will be held on Saturday, May 26.
The scheduled pickup date for Friendly Co Op is Friday, May 18. For further information, phone Brenda Helton, 455-8421.
Seniors joining in with Charlotte Wilson and the U of M Cooperative Extension Eatwell Program will meet on Friday, May 18, at the Rec Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Tuesdays are Bingo Nights at the Trail Runners clubhouse starting at 7 p.m. The games are open to those ages 16 and older, and there is one setup fee of $12 for an evening’s worth of fun. Snacks will also be available for purchase.

New baby
Leland and Heather Caron are busy enjoying their new daughter, Ainsley Eleanor Caron, who was born on Tuesday, May 1. This certainly made Heather’s first Mother’s Day special.
Ainsley weighed six pounds and 11 ounces and was 19 and three-quarter’s inches long.
She has been enjoying the attentions of her big brother Noah Caron who is nine years old and will be watching out for his baby sister.
Heather’s sister Ashley came north for the birth and stayed a week or so to help mom and visit with her new baby niece.
She has also enjoyed visits by her Aunt Starla and cousins Shayla and Alexis Enman.
Her proud grandparents are Dana and Barb Caron, of Washburn, and Richard and Eleanor French, of Harpswell. She also will have fun getting to know her special great grandparents, Herman and Vi Paradis, of Washburn.
This makes the Caron family a full four-generation family, and all are surely planning on enjoying this new addition.

Car wash and bake sale
The Washburn Pentecostal Church Youth Group will be having a Car Wash and Bake Sale on Saturday, May 26, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. The cost of the car wash is on a donation basis and bake sale items will include bread, rolls, macaroni and potato salads, beans and sweets such as cookies, brownies, whoopee pies and fudge. All proceeds will be going toward a youth trip in August. In case of rain, the bake sale will take place in the church gym accessed by the back parking lot. For further information, contact Sally at 455-4805 or Angela at 764-4086.

Girl Scout news
Troop 194 Girl Scout/Brownie Troop has recently been registered in the newest Council of Girl Scouts in Maine. Formerly, there have been two Councils, Abnaki and Kennebec, but with restructuring of the Girl Scouts of U.S.A., all Girl Scouts in Maine will now be registered in the Girl Scouts of Maine Council.
There was a special spring registration drive, and thanks to the generosity of Washburn Rotary, the girls in Troop 194 were able to participate in this, which makes them a ‘charter member’ of the new Council. The charter status has a few perks for the Troop, including a free overnight stay at Camp Natarswi near Millinocket.
There are 15 members in Troop 194, and Washburn Rotary has been given a certificate for their sponsorship of the troop.

Methodist Women meet
The United Methodist Women held their regular meeting on Wednesday, May 9, with 10 members present. The Purpose was recited and Elida Fredericks did the Devotion entitled “I Walk With Spring.” June Churchill read the secretary’s report and Falicia Rossignol gave the treasurer’s report.
Charlotte Wilson did a Mission Reading on various missions from the church’s Mission Calendar. They covered two missions, one in South Carolina and the other in Africa. Charlotte also introduced the women to the Red Glove Missions, a program which is being sponsored by several other UMW groups. The Washburn church will begin looking into the program.
The women were given informational leaflets concerning the Sub-District meeting held this year in Mapleton on April 18 and there was a discussion on how to disperse some auction leftovers.
The group was informed that they have been invited to the Grant Memorial Methodist Church in Presque Isle for a Church Tea to be held on Saturday, June 2, and anyone interested in attending may contact Charlotte Wilson at 455-8374 or any UMW member for further details.
It was decided to undertake a memorial wreath laying on Memorial Day. The wreath will be placed at the memorial stone at the front of the Lidstone church garden. The UMW will be assisting in the Sunday morning service during the pastor’s conference week. Charlotte Wilson also passed around flyers concerning the world mission calendar with possible missions to support. Lorraine Harrison shared a card she’d received from former church and UMW member Hilda Stoddard. Anyone wishing to write Hilda may contact Lorraine Harrison at 455-4064 for her address.
Discussion was held on the scholarship deadlines for this year. So far only one applicant has written the UMW. The ladies will be holding their June outing at Gram Russo’s in Presque on Wednesday, June 13, at 6 p.m. This will be their last meeting until September. The women meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. and all are encouraged to join the UMW for some fun mission work and great fellowship.

Washburn Beaver’s ATV notes
There was a meeting of the ATV club recently with officers for the coming year elected as follows: Co-Presidents – Shawn Dube and Art Griffin, Vice President – Paul DuMont, Treasurer – Bobbi-Jo Plummer, Secretary – Kathy Plante, Trailmaster – Kevin Burtt, Assistant Trailmaster – Harry Marston and Safety Officer – Randy Pelham.
The group will be holding a poker run and hot dog roast on Sunday, June 3. Registration will be held at 9 a.m. and the run will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. with the starting point at the clubhouse on Gould Street. Prizes will be: First – $100, Second – $50, Third – $25. There will also be a 50/50 drawing and some other prizes. There are lots of activities coming in the next few weeks, and the public will be welcome to attend all the events.
Anyone wishing to join the Washburn Beaver’s ATV Club or needing further information on any of the events may contact them via e-mail:

Municipal news
The town of Washburn now has the stickers needed to register ATVs; they will have an expiration date of June 30, 2008. Fees include: resident renewal – $34, new resident – $35 and non-resident – $70.
The Town Office and municipal departments will be closed on Monday, May 28, to observe Memorial Day and will re-open on Tuesday, May 29, at 7 a.m.
There is a generous amount of women’s clothing available at the Civic Center. The clothes are nearly new, with some of them having never been worn. Items include coats, dresses, skirts, sweater and pants, all ranging in size from extra small to extra large. Anyone interested in looking them over can stop into the Town Office and there is no charge for any of the items.

August Festival
The August Festival Committee is requesting some local talent to step forward and help with the Saturday Night Show. They are interested in groups who will be available to put on acts, skits, songs, comedy acts and other talents. Each group will have the stage and spotlight for 10 to 15 minutes to share their talents with the audience. The committee hopes to have some input and volunteers for their June Festival Committee meeting.
The theme for this year is A Look at the Past and the committee is requesting anyone with ideas of displays, programs or parade floats and demonstrations to step forward and share their ideas. Their next scheduled meeting is on Wednesday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m. at the Washburn Civic Center. Committee members are needed as well as residents coming to voice their ideas, take on projects and help in way they can.

Rec Center schedule
The Washburn Recreation Department summer programs information will be ready around the middle of May. Informational sheets and sign-up forms will be sent home by students. For further information, contact Marcie at the Rec at 455-4959.
On Wednesday, May 23, there will be a special Noah’s Ark Build a Bear Workshop for grades 1 – 4 from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.
On Friday, May 25, there will be a movie at the Rec Center for grades K-4 from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.
On Thursday, May 31, there will be Arts and Crafts at the Rec Center for grades 1-4 from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.
For any further information on Rec Center programs, contact Marcie Barbarula at 455-4959.

Project Graduation
Members of the Class of 2007 cordially invite the general public to attend a special spaghetti dinner scheduled for Saturday, May 12, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The senior class members will be selling tickets for this event and they will also be available at the door. Events for the evening will include a Silent Auction, a Senior Auction and the auction of an Old Town Kayak complete with life jacket and paddle. Proceeds from the event will go towards the fund-raising efforts for the Class of 2007 Project Graduation events.

Library bookmarks
Starting Friday, May 4, and continuing for a three-week period of time, a traveling exhibit will highlight the various political activities of Maine’s William S. Cohen. The exhibit uses facsimiles of photographs, handwritten notes, speeches and campaign memorabilia from Cohen’s papers. Topics include his successful 1972 bid for Maine’s second congressional district seat, the busy life of a senator, his 1972 campaign walk through Maine and documents from the Watergate and Iran-Contra investigations. The display includes interactive panels designed to appeal to young children. All area residents are urged to stop by the library to see it during the next two weeks.
Also at the library is the May Story Time to be held on Monday, May 21, at 5:30 p.m. There will be stories, games, prizes and refreshments. The theme for the story time is “Arthur’s Birthday,” and all are invited to the party.
On Wednesday, May 23, there will be a scrapbooking class held at the library at 5 p.m.

SAD 45 undergoes changes
The SAD 45 School Board has undergone several changes, with the resignation of several of its members in recent weeks. Members giving up their positions include: Connie Heald, Linda Connolly, Greg Doak, Ted Maynard, Carla Rossignol and Andrew Churchill. Seven newly-elected School Board members were appointed by their respective communities including Perham, Wade and Washburn to cover the seats vacated by the resignations. The following individuals were selected to fill the vacancies: Camille “Doc” Albert, Cary Schumacher, Barb Caron, Tim Humphrey, William Fox, Theresa Cochran and Mike McIntosh. McIntosh was selected as the next board chairman.
Discussion continues regarding various topics pertaining to the operation of the school. With the departure of Superintendent Brooke Clenchy, the board voted recently to give Clenchy her vacation time through June 30 and voted to hire Dave Lyon to serve as interim superintendent for the school system. Talk will continue at the next meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, May 16.