115 Years Ago – Sept. 30, 1902
Record — It looks as if Walter Christie of Maysville would hold the record for amount of potatoes dug in one day. On Tuesday of last week, notwithstanding there had been a heavy rain throughout the previous day, Mr. Christie, with a crew of five men, picked up and put in the cellar 256 barrels of potatoes of the Green Mountain variety.
100 Years Ago – Oct. 3, 1917
Barn — G.M. Morgan has commenced excavating for a new barn which he will erect this fall on his lot on Sweden Street, which will be part of a new set of buildings which he will complete sometime this coming year.
Agricultural — Beginning with the fall term at the Caribou High School, there will be an agricultural course added to to the list of studies. This should prove of material benefit.
75 Years Ago – Sept. 30, 1942
Assisting — The Caribou Red Cross Canteen Unit responded efficiently to an emergency call Sept. 22 at Perham when 25 Army men and civilians assisting in the plane disaster in that area were serviced sandwiches, coffee and doughnuts. Assistance of the Caribou unit was called upon through the Red Cross Field Director stationed at the Presque Isle Army Base. Members of the rescue party served had been lost in the woods while returning to the clearing from the accident.
Getting wings — Another of our Caribou boys that is making good in aviation is Harvey L. Olmstead, son of Ada and Leon Olmstead. Harvey is a graduate of Caribou High School Class of 1938. Always interested in flying he took the course in Civil Aeronautics at the Caribou Airport and had 35 hours of flying under the direction of Clarence Sproul.
50 Years Ago – Oct. 3, 1967
Extended — A telephone vote by members of the Caribou School Committee has favored the extension of the harvest recess for another week, Richard F. Crocker, Jr., superintendent of schools, announced Tuesday. The decision was in response to appeals from local potato growers because of the heavy rains during the opening week of the harvesting period. School will thus reopen on Oct. 16 instead of Oct. 9 as previously indicated.
CHSJ could be dropped — If some people could have their way, CHSJ, the CBC station out of Bon Accord, New Brunswick, on channel 6, would be dropped from cable systems in the area. According to one report, county CATV operators have asked the U.S. Court of Appeals to overrule an FCC decision barring them from transmitting Channel 6 programs. The FCC order has been sought by WAGM-TV of Presque Isle. Frankly, we like the choice of being able to watch our favorite programs and having choices. Luckily, CHSJ-TV will still be available strongly through a low-priced antenna.
25 Years Ago – Sept. 30, 1992
Recognition — Caribou Mayor R. Leo Kieffer, recently declared Saturday, Sept. 26 as Peter F. Miesburger Day in Caribou and presented him a plaque in recognition of the honor at last Saturday’s testimonial dinner honoring Miesburger for his service to veterans and to the United States Veterans of Foreign Wars as national chief of staff in 1991-92.
Life-saving — Police Chief Robert Long presented both James Charier and Craig Peterson with live-saving awards at a recent city council meeting Monday night. Chartier, a 12-year law enforcement veteran, helped to save a small child from drowning in a bathtub. Peterson, a four-year veteran of the Caribou PD, while assisting another police officer in pursuit of a motorcyclist suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol, came upon the driver as he was tossed from his bike.