Sometimes we humans have bad eating habits, and our dogs are the same way. It is very hard for us to change our eating habits, and it is just as challenging to change the bad habits our dogs develop often because of things we do.
Some dogs can’t leave a trash can alone. It can be very dangerous if the dogs find chicken bones or chocolate or some other forbidden food. A number of years ago one of my dogs managed to eat and entire can of cocoa out of the pantry. It took at least 8 hours before he got over the shaking, vomiting, and diarrhea. It was very scary for me and the dog. According to a Good Morning American report, sprinkling baking soda on top of the trash will deter a dog from getting into it. What a wonderful tip…one we dog owners should try remembering.
Stealing food from a kitchen counter or table can be very exciting for a large dog. If the repeated word “no” doesn’t work, it is best to put the dog outside or ban him from the kitchen. I have used a baby gate before to keep a dog out of the kitchen. My grand dog Maggie Mae grabbed a small chicken off the counter once. Since she is a little older now, her manners are much better.
Pica is the habit of a dog eating items which are not food such as clothing, anything wicker (as in my house) or shoes. One type of pica is called coprophagy, the eating of stools. Sometimes a dog will do this, so it is imperative the stools are cleaned up immediately. It has been suggested that sprinkling hot sauce over the area and the stools, often helps.
Often we think when a dog begs for food, he is hungry, but most likely he just wants attention. Many folks give in to the dog’s begging with food and once this happens, it is very difficult to break the habit. To stop the begging habit we should ignore it and not give him any tidbits. Gradually if the dog is not rewarded, the begging will stop, and then you can praise him and give him lots of attention.
Refusing to eat is an occasional problem for a dog. Sometimes a dog has received too many treats during the day and not be hungry. If the dog has had a change in dog food, he may not like it. If it is necessary to change the dog food, use the old dog food and gradually add more of the new each day, and hopefully he will be happy and eating again.
It’s probably too early for this reminder but before we know it; winter will be here with the cold temperatures and snow. Please, if you see any animals that are left outside without proper shelter, please call your local animal control officer to report the situation. If you need a name and telephone number as to whom to report, call the Central Aroostook Humane Society at 764-3441, and the staff will give you the proper contact information.
A very wonderful event will be coming on November 11th so please mark your calendar and prepare for an evening of fun and helping the animals. The eighth annual Toast to the Animals and Auction will be held at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center.
Reference information at
“If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”―James Herriot
Gloria J. Towle is the secretary and a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Aroostook Humane Society.