The Happy Days Senior Citizen Club met on Oct. 14 at the West Ridge Manor with 13 members and the guest speaker, Kyle White. After they enjoyed a potluck dinner, Kyle spoke to them about several subjects.
Kyle is the son of Easton Fire Chief Kim White and Tammey White and is a volunteer in the Easton Fire Department as well as doing work part-time for Crown Ambulance. He graduated from Easton High School and Northern Maine Community College.
He spoke mainly about how to keep safe from fires, impressing on everyone to keep all smoke detectors up to date with batteries. Batteries should be changed twice a year, he told them, and the carbon monoxide detectors should be no higher than the back of a chair as these gasses settle and do not rise as smoke does. Some said that their detectors were above a door or that high in other places.
He encouraged them to have their chimneys cleaned often and that a man here in town, Randy Ladner, does that work. Furnaces should be serviced every year and fire extinguishers should be changed every five to six years. A fire extinguisher should weigh about three pounds and if weighed and it only weighs one pound then it needs changing.
Kyle said that one should be ready in case of an emergency — for fire, flood or wind. They should know an escape route from a building, where to meet afterwards and if not able to do that, they should throw something from their window or hang a sheet or piece of clothing from a window to alert someone that they are still in there. Kyle also said that a cluttered or junky house is hard for firemen to get around in if there is much smoke.
Now you have to call 9-1-1 for emergency help of any kind, you can’t call your local firemen anymore. He said that there is much discussion about where to set up the 9-1-1 office.
He also spoke on other emergencies, such as break-ins. It’s a scary thing about break-ins; they are people who are quite likely after money or prescription medicines. One shouldn’t talk too much or too loudly about what medications they are taking, they could be overheard. He also told the group that if you call for the ambulance and you have to answer a lot of questions, know that the ambulance is on its way just as soon as they know your location, not after you get done answering the questions. The 9-1-1 dispatcher will stay on the line until they get there.
The group thought that they had learned a lot from this young man. After Kyle left, President Nina Trask opened the meeting with the salute to the flag and the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee” with Lianna Demerchant at the piano. Ida Doak called the roll call with these members present: Ida Doak, Liana Demerchant, Arlene Ladner, Nina Trask, Eldora Carter, MArie Hewitt, Rogena Thomas, Rena Richardson, Ezalee Smith, Joann Johnson, Helen King, Margery Niblett and Lindy Fowler.
It was voted on to give the bus drivers that drive them on their trips the same amount of money for their dinners as they do the senior citizens. It was moved by Marie Hewitt and seconded by Joann Johnson with all in agreement. Ida Doak’s treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Nina reported that she and Ezalee Smith and Helen King went to the County Council On Aging meeting in Mars Hill last month. They also have an invitation to attend the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging meeting Oct. 25 at the Shriner’s Building on the Houlton Road.
There will be no meetings in November because they are all invited to a meal at the Easton Elementary School on Nov. 10. The meeting was voted adjourned.
On Nov. 3, Ed Rattray, Paige Nichols, Amber Manning Harris, Martin Hewitt and Colby Beals all have a birthday.
Erik Lamoreau, Chase Bickford, Holly Nadeau, Bud Budreau, Suzanne Flewelling and Carl Mullen Jr. will all be celebrating their birthdays on Nov. 4. Happy birthday to my wonderful dad. Hope you have a great day and I love you.
On Nov. 5, Hailey Hammond, Ashley Nichols, Daren Green and Larry Nichols will all be celebrating their special days. Also on Nov. 5, Ed and Alta Rattray and Chris and Kim Woodworth have an anniversary.
Sarah Bradley has a birthday to celebrate on Nov. 6.
On Nov. 7, Logan Wakefield and Triston Coffin will be another year older. Also on that day, Tracy and Larry Hathaway will be celebrating their anniversary.
Bill Page and Alma Mux have a birthday on Nov. 8.
Holly Beaton turns another year older on Nov. 9.
Blessings to you all on your special days.
The Easton Kiwanis’ Club met on their regular night, Oct. 5, with seven members present: Lt. Governor Barbara Blackstone, Mike Cyr, Keith and Esther Richardson, Eldora and Clair Carter, and new member Herbert Demerchant. Guests were: Karen Gonya from Presque Isle, LaNiece Winslow and Jim Nesbitt from the Presque Isle Club, Susan Mitchell and from the Presque Isle Sister Mary’s Homeless Shelter, Patrick Patterson guest speaker from Easton and Sandy Gibson, who works with Patrick Patterson. Lt. Governor Barbara opened the meeting after the supper of lasagna, green salad and dessert supplied by Mike Cyr, with the salute to the flag and prayer.
The meeting was turned over to the guest speaker, Pat Patterson, who informed the group about the new business he and Sandy Gibson have been working on for the past six weeks. The business is called: Meet The County-People, Places, Products. He explained it as a business that buys arts and crafts wholesale and resells them on the Web. Most of their arts and crafts are coming out of the St. John Valley as there are many up there dying to sell their products.
He had a table set up to show the group some of the things that have come out of Maine — paintings, wooden crafts, facial products, ployes, soaps and other items. They have been in Bar Harbor with their products and done quite well; people there seemed quite happy to buy crafts from Aroostook County. They are also trying to sell The County to tour groups. He told the group that some of the facial products have been tested in France and were well accepted. He also passed around some of the soap in different fragrances with cute little titles.
He gave us his business card with his telephone 488-2220 or cell phone 2272567. If you have crafts or artwork and would like to sell them he would be more than willing to look them over. With this new business the group wished him well.
There wasn’t much for business after Happy and Sad dollars were collected. President Mike Allen and his wife, Loris, are on a two-week vacation.
Swimming lessons will be offered for those in kindergarten and younger from Monday, Nov. 1, through Dec. 6, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the Presque Isle Indoor Pool. The cost is $20. Transportation will be provided directly after the 1 o’clock dismissal and we will return in time to ride the regular after-school bus runs home.
We are glad to present a new program called “real food, real fast and really good for you” in cooperative with the Maine Cooperative Extension. The class will meet every other Tuesday evening in the recreation room at the manor starting at 5:30. This is a great time for families to prepare food together, get some new recipes and fellowship with other member of the community, and you may even learn a few things along the way. Our November classes will be held on Nov. 2, 16 and 30. The cost is $2 per participant.
Zumba class (for ages 12+) has begun and will end on Nov. 22. Class will meet every Monday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. in the elementary school gym. The cost is $25 for six weeks of lessons. Theresa Bonner has recently earned her certification to teach the class and she is very excited to get started. This class will be lower impact, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness-party™ that keeps you in the groove of life. Please make childcare arrangements for your children. Registration will begin immediately at the Town Office.
The Easton Recreation Department is selling tickets to the Harlem Superstars in Ashland on Friday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. at Ashland District School. Tickets can be purchased at the Easton Town Office for $8. They will be $10 at the door. Tickets are limited.
For more information on any of these activities please contact Hillary at the Easton Recreation Department at eastonrec@myfairpoint.net.
Wednesday, Nov. 3 — Junior activities for ages 2 and up at the Hall from 9:30-11 a.m. YAP (Youth Advocacy Program) 11:30 and noon in the cafeteria. Senior exercise class starting at 1 p.m. in the recreation room at the manor. Gymnastics classes at 3 and 3:45 p.m. in the high school gym.
Thursday, Nov. 4 — Seniors’ field trip to the Homestead Lodge located in Oxbow; this farm has been raising buffalo since 1993. There are approximately 40 head of buffalo on this game preserve. We’ll have the opportunity to meet these massive animals and learn more about them. As an extra experience we will be served a buffalo burger lunch at the cost of $10. We will also visit the Oxbow Wreaths Deep in the Wood Gift Shop. The bus departs from the manor at 9:30 a.m. After-school program, game day at the hall. Children must have a note for their classroom teacher and should be picked up at the hall at 4:15 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 5 — Junior activities 9:30-11 a.m. at the hall. Open to ages two and up. Seniors’ Thanksgiving craft and lunch starting at 11:15 a.m. in the recreation room at the manor. Please bring a nacho topping. Grades 5 and 6 soccer party from 5:30-9 p.m. Supper will be served and then we will go swimming in Presque Isle.
Monday, Nov. 8 — Senior Nutrition Class starting at 11 a.m. in the recreation room at the manor. Kindergarten swim lessons; we’ll carpool directly after the 1 o’clock dismissal and return in time to ride the after-school buses home. After-school program, “Jump into Foods & Fitness” with Chris Finemore from the Cooperative Extension. Children must have a note for their classroom teacher and should be picked up at the hall at 4:15 p.m. Zumba class from 6-7 p.m. in the elementary school gym.
Tuesday, Nov. 9 — After-school program, “Veterans’ crafts” at the hall. Children should be picked up at the hall by 4:15 p.m.
Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at debbie-smith04_69@hotmail.com or call 488-5530.