ISLAND FALLS, Maine — The new season of bowling has begun at Birch Point Bowling Alley as teams are already into their second week of action.
The standings as of Monday, Oct. 30 were: 1) Intimidators, 16-0; 2) Strike Force, 16-0; 3) Wild Cats, 16-0; 4) Pinners, 6-10; 5) Gutterballs, 6-10; 6, Skinner Sandbaggers, 4-12; and 7) Rough Riders, 0-16.
Team high score for the week went to Intimidators, 534; while team high series for the week as also Intimidators, 1,568. Team high score for the season is Strike Force, 556; and the high series for the season is Strike Force, 1,580.
Individual high score for the week was John Duffy, 133. Duffy was also high series for the week at 392.