Growers invited to annual potato conference

14 years ago

Growers invited

to annual potato conference

CARIBOU – The 26th annual Maine Potato Conference will be held Jan. 19-20 at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center. Presentations on insects, disease, and weed pests of potatoes, as well as agronomy, varieties, and other timely topics are scheduled.

The associated trade show, sponsored by the Central Aroostook Young Farmers, will feature local and national representatives prepared to discuss their products and services.

“Over two dozen exhibitors have display booths with the latest in storage technology, agricultural chemistry, machinery and crop insurance, just to name a few,” said Dr. Steven B. Johnson, crops specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. “This is always a good source of information.”

Registration is $10 per day, or $15 for both days. Credits will be available for those holding a valid pesticide applicator license or CCA license. Details on credits available can be obtained 24 hours a day by calling 760-9ipm.

A complete schedule is available at: