Museum holds treasures of ‘home

7 years ago

To the Editor:

The Nylander Museum, a hidden treasure in the middle of Caribou, boasts a Smithsonian quality collection of artifacts which tell the story of the natural history of our northern home. Featuring shells, mollusks, minerals, rocks, fossils, taxidermy, butterflies, geology and wildlife, it is the only museum in the state that is solely focused on what those of us who live in Aroostook County can find in our own backyards.

Visitors to the Nylander Museum experience a greater sense of place, and a sense of wonder — not only about our world, but more specifically, about our home area.

In November 2017, the museum launched a program called “Exploring Your Own Backyard” to introduce Aroostook County youth to museum founder Olof Nylander, and to encourage young citizen scientists in exploring the local outdoors. EYOB programs are held on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and are open to all children aged 5-12 years old, no reservation required. Our next program will be held on Saturday, Dec. 30.

We welcome local teachers to the museum to help familiarize them with museum artifacts and collections in an effort to develop cultural educational opportunities. If you are a local teacher who is interested in registering, please go to the Nylander’s Facebook page or email

Using volunteer-only support, the museum is open on Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 3 and throughout the week by appointment. We encourage homeschoolers, unschoolers, youth groups, boy- and girl-scout troops, 4-H clubs, college classes, homemakers groups, and visitors of all ages to come to the museum and see what we have to offer.

Kate Easter

Nylander Museum Board of Trustees
