Guests tell of recent outings

14 years ago

Guests tell of recent outings


by Tomi Henderson

The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on Tuesday morning, February 1 at 6:30. Members discussed upcoming events and ideas for local service projects.

Rotarian Rhonda Orser told of going to the Northern Maine Regional Airport in Presque Isle for the arrival of one of the planes bringing the biathletes to the area. Lois Belyea was also there with her daughter and son-in-law, Julie and Jay Boyd, and other family members. Lois was very pleased to greet the co-pilot, who is her grandson, Daniel Fruciano, of Miami, Fla.

Rotarian Roger Shaw told of going with a group of students to visit a bear den with Dave Hentosh and a group of state biologists. They measured three bears — a mother and two yearlings. The same bear was checked last year, when she had three cubs. It isn’t unusual for the male cubs to die in their first year.

Naturally Potatoes
lo-mhnews-cx-sh-06Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson

Naturally Potatoes, a Pineland Farms Company, is pleased to announce that Thomas Lento has been named the January 2011 Employee of the Month. The award is in recognition of his outstanding job performance and unwavering dedication to his fellow employees, the company and, most importantly, to the customers. Pictured at left, from left, are: Dave Novak, production manager; Marcus Bernier, shift supervisor; Lento; and Bob Canney, human resource manager.

Valentine’s dance

The Fort Street PTCO will be holding a Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Dance at the Fort Street cafetorium on Friday, Feb. 11, from 7 to 9 p.m. Admission is $10 per couple and includes a 5×7 photo of the couple.

Library amnesty

The Walter T.A. Hansen Memorial Library is having an amnesty time from March 1 through April 30 for folks that have overdue books. Books can be returned with no fees incurred, although donations will be accepted. They can also be dropped in the book drop.

Take this chance to return those forgotten books with no penalty!!

Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail