Cochran writes last column, steps down due to health

14 years ago

Cochran writes last column, steps down due to health


by Christie Cochran

To all the readers of the Washburn news column, this is the final one to come from me.

Due to health issues, I have to step aside from writing the news, but truly wish to thank all those who have supported me over the past 20 years by sending in the news or letting me know about events and activities.

Tomi Henderson, correspondent for the Mars Hill column in the Star-Herald, has agreed to take on the Washburn column until a suitable replacement is found to take the Washburn news over. She has a Washburn connection, being related to Washburn residents Art and Charlotte Griffin, and wishes to do as much as she can to assist in this matter. Anyone having news or photos for the column may send them to her at, or phone her at 429-9126 for information.

It is my special wish that someone take over the “Remembering Washburn’s History” segment, as this is the town’s sesquicentennial year. Anyone wishing to do articles for this segment is asked to send them on to Tomi via email.

Also thanks to the staff of the Star-Herald for letting me get last-minute add-ons and other special items in the column.

Thanks again to one and all for their participation in making this a true town-oriented column.

Sincerely, Christie


Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Harley Curtis, Joann Powell, Bernadette Rossignol, Kevin Clayton, Roseanna Humphrey, Beth Veeneman, Bill Sargent, Bob Clayton, Kyle Corey, Colby Ann Hitchcock, Kyle Rider, Karen Carmichael, Betty Putnam, Danny Creasey, Eva Levesque, Mark Sperrey, Dennis Tully, John Thomas, Michelle Doody and Tony Hatch.

Town-wide notes

The Washburn August Festival and 150th Anniversary Committee will be holding a fund-raising supper at the Washburn Trail Runners clubhouse on Saturday, April 16, from 5-7 p.m. The menu will include a traditional Aroostook County Saturday night supper of beans and hotdogs. The menu will also include salads, rolls and dessert. The cost is $5 per person which will go towards the combined celebration the weekend of Aug. 19-21.

The town of Washburn currently has vacancies on the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Planning Board and the Revolving Loan Committee. If you have any interest in serving on any of these boards, contact the Town Office.

Previews of coming attractions include a fun Mr. and Ms. Washburn pageant to be held at WDHS on Saturday, May 7, starting at 7 p.m. There will be People’s Choice awards along with many other entertaining events throughout the evening. Proceeds will go towards the costs of Project Graduation 2011. For more information, contact Angela Farley at 455-8048.

The current order week for Friendly Co-Op is scheduled through Saturday, April 2. Please phone your orders to Brenda at 455-8421 or e-mail them to The delivery date will be Friday, April 8. Please plan to get your orders no later than 8 p.m.

The 13th annual Real Heroes Breakfast will be held Thursday, April 7, at 7:30 a.m. in the Edmunds Conference Center of Northern Maine Community College. Over 25 nominations were received this year and our local hero, Andrew White Sr., of Wade, was one of them. Be sure and congratulate him as well as try and attend the breakfast. Tickets can be purchased for $25 each and are limited. For more information, call 493-4620, ext. 108, or e-mail

Daren Churchill was elected as a member of Washburn Town Council for a three-year term. Congratulations!

Rotary ‘wheels’

The annual presentation of the 2010 Youth Merit Award given each year by the Washburn Rotary was presented to Sydney Beckwith of Perham. The award is given annually to a high school senior from each school in Rotary District 7810.

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Washburn Rotarian Keith Brown recently presented the 2010 Youth Merit Award to several Washburn students.

Pictured from left are:

Keith Brown, Sydney Beckwith, her mother Angela, father Christian and brother Simon.

The student is chosen for the award by school staff and they are then considered for one of three scholarships presented by Rotary District 7810.


Junior Exhibition notes

WDHS Class of 2012 will be holding their Junior Exhibition on Friday, April 8, at 7 p.m. Students speaking will be Marcella Chevoit, Breanna Hyde, Zach Maynard, Lara Scott, Marlaina Spooner, Jacob Reed and Nikkie Richardson.

A People’s Choice Award vote will be held during intermission and admission is $3 for adults and $1 for students. The Junior Exhibition is directed by Mrs. Londa Brown.

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Junior Exhibition contestants for 2011 at WDHS include from left:

Lara Scott, Jacob Reed, and Zach Maynard. Back Row Nikkie Richardson, Breanna Hyde, Marlaina Spooner and Marcella Chevoit.

Destination Imagination

Students from WDHS and the David J. Lyon school recently competed in the Destination Imagination regional competitions held at EMCC in Bangor.

The David J. Lyon middle school team won second place in the challenge “Verses Foiled Again.” The team members were Jessica Obie, Justin Davis and Brooke Labou.

The WDHS teams both won first place in “Verses Foiled Again” and included team members Kennedy Churchill, Hillary Jackson, Rachael Carmichael, Carsyn Koch, Jacob Reed, Zachary Davis and Kyle Huston. Team members from WDHS for “Triple Take Road Show” were Rachel Rossignol, Izia Labou, Andrew McLaughlin, Marcella Chevoit, Marlaina Spooner, Dakota Koch and Cameron Huston.

The teams all did an amazing job and had a wonderful time. They will be competing at the state competition at UMO on Saturday, April 2. If they win, they will be invited to compete at the Global Destination Imagination competition in Knoxville, Tenn., in May, along with over 35 different countries.

The two high school teams are selling Little Caesar’s pizza kits, cookie dough and pretzels through Friday, April 1, in order to raise money for the competitions. If you are interested, please contact any of the team members or their advisor, Tracy Reed, through the high school, 455-4501.

Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or