Local parish youth attend D.C. march

7 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — Four local representatives of the Parish of the Precious Blood Youth Ministry group attended March for Life 2018 in Washington, D.C., at the end of January. 
Delia Bonner of Easton, Olivia Mosher of Presque Isle, Meghan Schupbach of Fort Fairfield and Fr. Steve Nehru traveled as part of a pilgrimage with the Diocese of Portland, sponsored by the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation for high school youth and the adults who accompany them.

Youth from all over Maine boarded a bus and drove all night to participate in the March for Life.  While in D.C., participants joined Archdiocese of Boston youth and attended youth rallies, Mass, and prayer vigils in preparation for the Jan. 19 march.

The March for Life began as a small demonstration and rapidly grew to be the largest pro-life event in the world.  The peaceful demonstration has followed each year, on the anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, as a witness against abortion.

Youth said they were filled with excitement on the day of the march to show their support for the pro-life cause and to end legalized abortion, and were also excited to know President Donald Trump would be the first president to address participants via satellite from the Rose Garden.

According to the March for Life website, Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said, “We are most grateful to announce that President Donald Trump will address the 45th annual March for Life from The White House via satellite on Friday, Jan. 19. Since his first day in office, President Trump has remained steadfast on his campaign promises to the pro-life cause and has actively worked to protect the unborn.”  

Other speakers were House Speaker Paul Ryan, Pam Tebow (mother of former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow), Matt Birk, former NFL player, and wife Adrianna Birk and several U.S. Representatives.

Back at home, parish youth reflected on the experience.

Delia Bonner said, “The March for Life was a life-changing experience. I was able to connect with people from around the country that shared my passion for being a pro-life individual. The faith and love and that emanated from the crowd was incredible. God was truly at work at the 2018 March for Life, and I feel so very blessed to have been able to be a part of it.”  

Olivia Mosher also agreed the trip was life-changing, saying,“ I was able to bond with so many people  by sharing my love for life.  The March (for Life) itself was such a joyful event, and the people around us were incredibly happy.”

Mosher summed it up by saying, “It was inspiring to see so many members of Congress, as well as our president and vice president, supporting the March. It gives me hope for the future of mankind.”