CARIBOU — The following cases were heard at the Aroostook County Superior Court during the month of March.
Myles Gonzalez, 24, Fort Kent: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs (two counts), $3,000 fine, five years in prison, all but 30 months suspended, three years’ probation and $420 restitution (first), and $400 fine and 30 months in prison (second).
Gough’s Trucking Service, Mapleton: violating fuel tax licensing or reporting, $250 fine.
Joyce Ann Haines, 54, Mapleton: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
David Hancock, 26, Limestone: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
Christine Hart, 26, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (two counts), $250 fine, five days in jail and $199.98 restitution (first) and $250 fine, six months in jail, all but 10 days suspended, admin. release sentence one year and $34.88 restitution (second); and operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine and 50 hours’ community service.
Jeff Victor Hartley, 22, Houlton: violating condition of release, 90 days in jail; violating protective order from harassment, six months in jail; and domestic violence terrorizing, priors, nine months in jail.
Joshua E. Hawksley, 19, Mars Hill: driving to endanger (two counts), $575 fine and 30-day license suspension (first) and dismissed (second).
Chase G. Higgins, 25, Presque Isle: OUI, filed on $600 costs.
Lucas D. Higgins, 24, Mapleton: failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $400 fine.
Crystal M. Hill, 22, Easton: assault (two counts), $500 fine (each); and operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.
Jack R. Hodshon, 46, Presque Isle: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine; and assault, dismissed.
Juanita Hodshon, 76, Presque Isle: driving to endanger, dismissed.
Christopher R. Horan, 29, Augusta: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (two counts), three months in jail (each); burglary (two counts), three months in jail (first) and 18 months in prison, all but three months suspended, two years’ probation and $1,505 restitution (second).
Tammie Howard, 41, Lewiston: probation violation, 92 days in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
Heather Jordan, 26, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault, dismissed; and disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine.
Michael R. Kelley, 55, Ashland: OUI, one prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail and three years’ license and registration suspension; operating after habitual offender revocation, $500 fine and 90 days in jail; and violating condition of release, five days in jail.
Cindy L. Labelle, 50, Presque Isle: OUI, $600 fine and 90-day license suspension.
Danielle L. Langille, 39, Presque Isle: OUI, one prior and violating condition of release, dismissed (each).
Katrina L. Lank, 36, Caribou: unlawful possession of scheduled drug (two counts), $400 fine, 364 days in jail, all suspended, one year’s probation (first) and $400 fine, 364 days in jail, all but 20 days suspended and one year’s probation (second); and stealing drugs, dismissed.
Joshua R. Lee, 23, Haynesville: domestic violence terrorizing, priors, two years in prison; domestic violence assault, priors, five years in prison, all but two years suspended and four years’ probation; carrying concealed weapon, 364 days in prison; violating condition of release, two years in prison; and tampering with witness, informant, juror or victim, four years in prison, all but two years suspended and three years’ probation.
Michael Adam Levesque, 31, Connor Twp.: operating while license suspended or revoked, OUI, $600 fine, seven days in jail and one month’ license suspension; OUI, two priors, $1,100 fine, 30 days in jail and six years’ license and registration suspension; unlawful use of license and failing to give correct name, address or date of birth, dismissed (each); aggravated forgery (two counts), six months in jail (first) and six years in prison, all but 17 months suspended and two years’ probation (second); and violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.