100 Years Ago – May 29, 1918
Piano recital — A splendid piano recital was given by the pupils of Miss Helen McKay, at her home, Saturday afternoon. A high quality of workmanship was shown in each selection, and much credit is due to both teacher and pupils. Miss Teresa Hoyt and Mr. Webb Sand played a pleasing duet and Prof. Lindsay played a solo before the closing number, “The Star Spangled Banner.” A large number of guests were present and enjoyed the afternoon.
Home and working — Donald Stuart arrived home last week from U. of M. and immediately began work with the Peabody Garage as bookkeeper, a position that he held last summer during vacation.
75 Years Ago – June 3, 1943
Poppies sold — The American Legion Auxiliary Chester L. Briggs Post announced the sale of 2,000 poppies Saturday. Chairman Mrs. Edna Chapman wished to thank all those who helped to make this grand showing possible. The following prizes were awarded to the children who took part: For girls, first-place prize, Jean Lambert; second prize, Marietta Doescher; third prize, Nancy Hyde. For boys, first prize, Al Astle; second prize, Billy Holden; third prize, John Pomeroy.
Get awards — Gregg shorthand certificates have been awarded to the following stenographic students for writing shorthand at 100 words per minute: Ellen Bickford, Margaret Brewer, Donald Gidney, Mary Maloney, Mildred McMonigle and Eloise Smith. For 80 words per minute: Evamae Annett, Leona Crafts, Mae Crane, Lois Cumming, Vivian DeVine, Gerald Eleiott, Daisy Levensailor and Ardith Smith.
50 Years Ago – May 29, 1968
Honored by Lions — Philip D. Tingley was honored by the local Lions Club Monday evening at a dinner meeting at Parkview Terrace. Mr. Tingley served as the first president of the local club from 1934 to 1936 and was the first district governor for this area in 1938. Gordon Duncan, retiring King Lion, and Maurice Miller, newly installed King Lion, conducted the ceremonies.
Anniversary — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carmichael celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary May 8 at their home in Littleton, when several friends and neighbors called to extend best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael were married May 8, 1918, at Woodstock by the Rev. Samuel Howard. They have one daughter, Mrs. Shirley Bickford, of Elmhurst, Illinois.
25 Years Ago – June 2, 1993
New staff member — Dwight Mills of Northland Motors welcomed new sales staff member John McGary. McGary brought many years of expertise in car sales to the Northland Motors team.
Cleaning up — Members of the United Methodist Youth Group were out in force cleaning up the Calais Road. The youth group picked up garbage from the roadside as a community service. Members were Graig Hiss, Roman Karnes, Gerald ‘Moose’ Karnes, leader; Greg MClaughlin, Cory Hill and Amy Hocking, and Patti Hill, leader.