115 Years Ago – July 21, 1903
Platforms — New platforms have been made in front of the stores of John Allen and Giberson and Wright during the past week.
Modern home — Orrin Glidden has recently completed a fine, modern, two-story house on the west road to Presque Isle.
100 Years Ago – July 24, 1918
Narrow escape — James Damboise had a narrow escape from death on Wednesday. He was driving his automobile along Water Street and when in the vicinity of the Crockett garage attempted to pass a team. In so doing he passed too near the edge of the bank and his machine skidded, throwing him out. He rolled partway down the bank, where his fall was stopped by a wire fence. His machine turned over twice and was quite badly damaged. Mr. Damboise escaped with a few minor scratches.
Instruments — One of the attractions at the Chautauqua coming to Caribou early next month are the Royal Hawaiian Singers and Players. The instruments used by these natives of our far-distant Pacific islands will be new in this section. One of them is called the ukulele, and is said to give the most captivating sounds.
75 Years Ago – July 21, 1943
Opened — The Caribou Swimming Pool opened for the season early this week, following several weeks of work after more than 200 feet of concrete pipe were laid along the northern bank of the pool. The pipe, designed to divert any surplus and muddy water following heavy rains, will materially improve the ease and reduce the cost of maintaining the pool in a sanitary condition. The pool measures approximately 180 by 300 feet, with maximum depth of nine feet and water capacity of slightly more than one million gallons.
Post honored — The Caribou Observation Post of the Aircraft Warning Service celebrated its first anniversary last night with supper at the Vaughan House for visiting Army officials and local observation post leaders, and a mass meeting at the high school, featured by speeches by Army officials and a special program. The program at the high school was interrupted for nearly an hour by a “blue” raid warning.
50 Years Ago – July 24, 1968
Winner — The first Caribou winner of the Maine Potato Blossom Festival Queen crown in 18 years is Kirsten Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bell. The first “Miss City of Caribou,” Miss Bell won a title that eluded Caribou young ladies since 1950 when Norma Collins marched triumphantly through Maine to the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City. Runners-up were Susan Hanson, Miss Presque Isle; Grenda McLeod, Miss Limestone; and Marilyn Gorman, Miss Fort Fairfield.
Third fire in five days — Fire struck in Fort Fairfield for the third time in five days Monday night about 11:00, completely razed two buildings behind the so-called “Hopkins Block” on the towns Main Street. The Maine Potato Blossom Festival luckily just concluded days before, but failed to lessen apprehension of possible future destruction as flames returned again to provide a familiar but unwanted glow for the downtown area.
25 Years Ago – July 21, 1993
Survey — About 500 Caribou residents will receive a survey form in the mail this week, asking them to identify their shopping preference. Kristi Perrow, director of the Caribou Office of Economic and Community Development, said the survey is needed to help her office for the city’s future after the loss of J.C Penney to the Aroostook Centre Mall in Presque Isle and closure of Loring Air Force Base. The results will help the office determine a destination point for shoppers in Caribou.
Benson hired — Erin V. Benson has been named director of university relations at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. Originally from Miami, Fla., Benson received a BFA in theatre from Florida State University. She moved to Caribou in 1985 and established herself as news director for WTMS/WBPW and spent four years prior to that as program director and morning personality for WTMS. She begins her work at the university on July 26.