HOULTON, Maine — It has been a busy week at the golf course this week. Great weather has brought many new and old friends out to play. The Men’s Twilight League finished their last regular season matches last Monday. They now enter into the sweet sixteen round of play. The top seeded teams are Bob Gray/Jerry York and Bruce Avery/Tony Marino. All matches must be completed by Friday. Remember, subs are not allowed during playoffs. Twenty five ladies participated in the competition on Tuesday. They played for the fewest putts in the round.
Wednesday we hosted the ladies from the St. John Valley Seniors, 60 strong. The threatening weather held of for most of the round, but the air horn sounded with the fear of lightning and the rest of the round was cancelled. Winners from Houlton were Maryanne Marsinak, Pam Mailman, Harriett Gray, and Marion Collins. After the match, the ladies were treated to a fantastic meal provided by the Lakeside Restaurant. A big thank you to the players from the Houlton Golf team who helped move carts and made things go smoothly.
Sunday’s Couples Tee Box Scramble was played with nine four person teams. The winners were the team of Martha and Mike Fasulo and Harriett and Bob Gray. They were followed by Doug and Tammy Griffin and Brian and Lori Gardiner and Karen and Peewee Gallup and Pam and Ray Mailman. Congratulations to all the participants.
Coming this weekend is our Club Championship and Presidents Cup Tournaments. These competitions will be run together. Eighteen holes on Sat. and Sun. The Club Championship will be played in several handicapped flights and the Presidents Cup is an all net tournament. We encourage all members to play, as in the Presidents Cup anyone can win.
Sign up by Friday Aug. 24. Tee times start at 8 a.m. Saturday morning. The Babe Caron Memorial Tournament Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 1-2. There are only three spots on the tee sheet, so call the proshop soon to get your team in.
It seems like it took a long time to get here, but the summer golf season is winding down. It will be busy with lots to do, so take some time out to play some golf and refresh your spirit.hope to see you on the courseł