Church supper/auction
Members of the Washburn Pentecostal Youth group will be holding a fun supper and auction on Friday, July 6, in the gym of the church on Main Street starting at 6 p.m. The supper will include spaghetti with or without meatballs, green salad, rolls, coffee, punch and dessert, and the cost will be by donation.
Following the supper, the auction will begin and is literally an auction of the eight youth members of the group. They will be auctioned off in three- or six-hour increments to do any project or work around your home that needs doing. The project will be completed by the end of July. For further information, contact Angela at 764-4086 or Sally at 455-4804.
Proceeds from the event will go towards a trip the youth group will be taking to an Adventure Campground in Caratunk in Western Maine. This is a camp where counselors work in a unique approach with the youth on team building, leadership, communication skills and personal development. It is in Somerset County about 40 miles north of Skowhegan and is a crossing area of the Appalachian Trail and a beautiful wooded area.
Birthdays and anniversaries
The list used for the Washburn birthdays and anniversaries is quite outdated, and it is very easy to make a mistake or omit someone’s special day if it isn’t on the list. The list is currently being worked on, and anyone wishing to add a birthday or anniversary for anytime during the year, please e-mail, snail mail to 64 Riverside Drive S. or phone 455-8034.
‘Patriotic’ birthdays include: Ellie Snyder, Mark Condon and Judy Budman. Also celebrating anniversaries on our country’s birthday are: Greg and Diana Levesque and Robert and Lisa Ecenarro.
Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Elizabeth White, Darin Ingersoll, Carmen Bragg, Jana Whitten, Wendy Harvath, Paige Huston, Kiana Plumer, Carlene Donovan, Lesha Oakes, Judy Tuttle, Dot Churchill, Linda Bragg, Jody Tuttle, Marie Dobson, Gail Woodman, Danielle Corey, Bill Churchill Jr., Kathy Howlett, Mary Easler, Lane Plissey, Brandon Helton, Helen Tompkins, Christopher Tuttle, Stephen Doody and Theren Hartsgrove.
Anniversary wishes to out to: Andrew and Kelly White, Kermit and Sue Fuller, Danny and Dapheen Creasey, Clayton and Lavina Corey, Tim and Colleen Plumer, Bruce and Tammy Berube, Herman and Pat Condon, Tom and Susan Berube, Steve and Bev Doody, Jim and Cheryl Cray, Eric and Stacey Taylor and Robert and Kerry Kennedy.
Building and grounds crew summer staff
Travis Drost and Josh Gildert have recently reported for work as members of the Washburn Grounds Department. This is the second summer for both boys who graduated from WDHS this year and are looking forward to college in the fall. Travis will be attending NMCC in the diesel hydraulics mechanics course, while Josh will be attending U of M at Orono going for a degree in civil engineering.
The pair currently are responsible for mowing the five local cemeteries, four area parks, as well as town properties including the Sewer and Water District, the Rec Center and the library.
Thanks go out to Roger and Donnie Hewitt for their efforts in mowing prior to school letting out and are always more than willing to pitch in whenever needed.
Josh and Travis both noted that they likely could not have found a better summer job, and their boss Adam Doody and all the Washburn staff is great to work with due to the strong teamwork all the municipal departments enjoy.
Mill Pond Park Fun Day
The forecasted rain held off, and a good crowd showed up to enjoy a wide array of fun events at the second annual Mill Pond Park Day to raise funds for the park’s new playground equipment. There were plenty of children attending who enjoyed everything from helium balloons provided by All Dec’d Out to potato sack races and face painting, duck racing and karaoke and singing along with musical tapes.
There was lots to eat including a delicious chicken barbeque complete with cole slaw, potato salad and drinks as well as cotton candy provided by White’s Exxon, popsicles provided by Kids Kount Daycare and popcorn provided by SAD 45.
Families enjoyed good choices of transportation on the Mill Pond including kayaks, canoes and paddle boats provided by Kermit Fuller, Mike Umphrey, Keith Brown and Charlotte Griffin. Entertainment was also provided by ‘emcee’ Francis Powers who sang and convinced several others to sing and even featured his wife Andrea in a square dance. The music and talents of local people was enjoyed by all, and several three- and four-generation families were present, and this event promises to be held again next year.
The 50/50 drawing was donated back into the Mill Pond funds by winner Rod Sperrey and lots of raffle tickets were sold with those winning prizes including the following: two youth fish kits donated by Tru Design were won by Skylar Mette and Desiraie McCoy. Two small portable tents donated by Tru Design were won by Lila McCrum and Noreen McIntosh. Quad riders donated by Criterion Engineering were won by Debbie Smilie and Noreen McIntosh. The basketball outdoor hoop set donated by Scott’s Appraisal was won by Lisa Mette and a child’s play table donated by Kids Kount Daycare was won by Kelly White. Two Sirius satellite radios donated by Andrea and Francis Powers were won by Nico Arribas and Jim McBrearity. The two mountain bikes donated anonymously were won by Kelly White and Charlotte Griffin. The I Pod Shuffle donated by Washburn Food Mart was won by Desiraie McCoy.
The hosts for the day were the combined forces of the Washburn Rotary Club, the Town of Washburn and the Washburn Fire Department who took care of all the events for the day, and Washburn’s Town Manager spent most of the time actively selling raffle tickets and the ticket for the 50/50 drawing.
The Mill Pond Park Committee would also like to thank Daren Churchill for all of his hard work and efforts, without him we would not have been able to make the day go by so smoothly. Thanks also go to the generous Washburn businesses and local donors like our own Mattie Maynard who helped make this event so enjoyable with her ‘clowning’ around.
Coming events/reminders
The Washburn Town Office will be closed on Wednesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. They will reopen at 7 a.m. on Thursday, July 5.
The Washburn Rotary still has some of their historical calendars for sale at a cost of $10 each. The photo for the month of July is of the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bridge taken between 1910 and 1914. To get your calendar, check with any Rotarian or contact Andy White at White’s Exxon.
Tuesdays are Bingo Nights at the Trail Runners clubhouse starting at 7 p.m. The games are open to those ages 16 and older, and there is one set up fee of $12 for an evening’s worth of fun. Snacks will also be available for purchase.
There are still lots of nice clothes available at the Civic Center for folks to go through. There are lots of sizes, and all are free, just come check the items out.
Members of the TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group in Washburn meet each Monday at the Washburn Trail Runners at the cost $24 per year and $1 per week. For further information, contact Kathi Plante at 455-8320 or Birdina Cochran at 455-8353.
Washburn’s Paul Clayton and Friends Band will be playing at the K of C building in Presque Isle on Saturday, July 14.
American Legion members of Post 48 have lots of raffle tickets to sell and the prizes are great. One is a hand-made queen-size quilt with two pillows, a home-crocheted granny afghan and a hunting knife. Tickets are $5 each and are available from any Legion member. The winning tickets will be drawn on Tuesday, July 24.
The Washburn Memorial Library will be sponsoring a summer reading program, and this year’s theme is Get a Clue @ Your Library. There will be lots of incentives for the children to read including prizes and free gift certificates. Registration forms are available at the library, and for more information, feel free to contact librarian Kathy Corey at 455-4814.
Municipal reminders
The Washburn Town Council will be setting the town’s mil rate during the July 9 Town Council meeting.
The next scheduled Town Council meeting will be held on Monday, July 9, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center. All interested residents are invited to attend.
Rec Center notes
There will be co-ed softball at the high school baseball field on Thursdays at 6 p.m. Anyone age 18 or older is eligible, and if you want to be on the team, just come to the field. This program will run Thursdays as long as there is interest for it.
Also on Thursday nights at 6 p.m., there will be co-ed soccer for high school students at the boy’s soccer field.
On Thursday, July 5, the final day of Ultimate Games will be held at the elementary school ball fields. Grades K-2 play from 8 to 9 a.m., Grades 3-4 go from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. and Grades 5-8 go from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
On Thursday, July 5, the junior softball team will play at Ashland and the Minor League plays at Limestone at 5:30 p.m.
On Friday, July 6, the youth will be taking a trip to Seacoast Water Park and Acadia Zoo. The cost is $22, ($12 for Water Park, $5 for Zoo and $5 for supper) The van will be leaving at 6:30 a.m. and returning at 8 p.m. Children will be able to ride on the waterslides unlimited for three hours and have two tickets for either go-karts, mini golf, bumper boats, climbing wall or trampoline. They will also have a guided tour of the Acadian Zoo and be stopping at McDonalds on the way home. They will need to take a lunch with them for the trip down.
On Monday, July 9, there will be swimming lessons at the Presque Isle pool from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Major League team plays at Limestone at 5:30 p.m.
Starting on Monday, July 9, through Thursday, July 12, there will be soccer held at the mini soccer field. Participants will learn basic soccer skills through fun games and drills. Grades K-2 play from 8 to 9 a.m., grades 3-4 go from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and grades 5-8 play from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
On Tuesday, July 10, Junior Girls play Madawaska at 1 p.m. and the Minor League plays at Fort Fairfield at 5:30 p.m.
Each Tuesday and Thursday evenings there will be Minor League Baseball for ages 7 to 9, and each Monday and Wednesday evenings there will be Major League Baseball for ages 10-12.
On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons there will be junior softball for girls, ages 9-12. Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays.
On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, Pony League Baseball for boys ages 13-16 will be played in Presque Isle or Fort Fairfield.
For any further information on Rec Center programs, contact Marcie Barbarula at 455-4959.
Special church services
The Washburn Pentecostal Church and the Washburn First Baptist Church will be combining to hold several joint open-air services in the Town Park on Main Street. The special Wednesday night services will be held on July 4, 11, 18 and 25, starting at 6 p.m. Pastors Bruce Blakney and Clark Jalbert will share the message times, and there will be music along with special singing from local people and testimony time.
Local musician Wendell Hudson will be ministering through his music on Sunday, July 8, at the First Baptist Church. The morning service is at 11 a.m. and the evening service begins at 6 p.m. Wendell plays guitar and harmonica and is a witness through music.
The public is welcome to attend these special church services. Also noted is that a piano player is needed for Wednesday evening services at the First Baptist Church, and anyone interested is asked to phone Linwood Kenney at 455-4845.