To the editor:
I was sure I was going to die March 10. A heart attack dropped me to my knees, a crushing pressure in my chest. Sandy got me to my feet, to the car and rushed me to TAMC’s [The Aroostook Medical Center’s] ER.
The next few days are hazy; this is what I recall: A young man headed home after his shift, getting me into a wheelchair and through the doors. The ER secretary who immediately summoned help. The ER staff that pulled me back from the edge. ICU that monitored me 24/7 while I was down. Med/Surg who got me to my feet. Tammy Ladner, whose compassion got me through my stress test. The cafeteria, that makes a garden stir fry so good I would have eaten it three times a day if they served it for breakfast. The cleaning staff that always had a moment to ask how I was. TAMC North [Street], cardiology, eye care and every person and department that had a hand in my recovery.
Also, Mr. and Mrs. Cancelarich who visited and offered a prayer. Brett Varnum, who has sent work my way. When I told him, “Like a cat, I may only have so many lives and I’ve been close to the edge four times,” Brett spun around and exclaimed, “Four times that you know of.” Thanks, buddy, that will help the anxiety.
No one at TAMC expects praise for doing their job, but sometimes it’s important to say the words: Thank you. Well done.
Sid Duncan
Presque Isle