Former legislator supports Terry Hayes for governor

6 years ago

To the editor:

I support Terry Hayes for governor and would like to share my experience working with Terry Hayes in the Maine Legislature. I served in the 123rd, 124th, 125th, and the 126th with her and over that period we often worked together on the State and Local Government Committee (SLGC). As the title of the committee indicates, the area of concentration includes the Unorganized Territory and state agencies.

A wide variety of matters came before the committee and I could always count on Terry Hayes to bring a constructive perspective to the issue at hand. As the committee tried to get “their collective arms around the issue” Terry worked with all members of the committee encouraging a thoughtful open dialogue.

Early on working with her, I noticed that partisan politics was not her perspective in problem solving but, crafting a better solution or approach to the task at hand was. Often you will hear compromise is the way but, any public servant must constantly strive for the best solution. No one party will have all the answers but more important is that the approach should be to embrace and understand the problem and Terry Hayes could always be counted on to bring that to the table by enriching the effort without partisan tunnel vision.

I encourage all to support Terry Hayes for governor. The collective “food fight” in Augusta and partisan politics must stop and there is a better way with Terry Hayes.

David Cotta