Mrs. Hamel’s 5th graders at the
Mapleton Elementary School
Photos courtesy of Gail Hamel
GAIL HAMEL’S fifth-graders at Mapleton Elementary School who participated in this year’s Newspapers in Education supplement are, from left, front row: Julie Collins, Abby Quirino, Meagan Turner, Malinda Dionne and Taylor Ellis. Middle row: Desireeth Porquin, Luke Mitchell, Jacob Sjoberg, Mason Scott, Michael Berube and Acacia Johnston. Back row: Shane Baker, Liam Woodworth, Ethan Jackson, Jacob Martin and Carson Gagnon.
PUTTING THEIR ARTISTIC ABILITIES to the test are Mapleton Elementary School fifth-graders, from left: Shane Baker, Malinda Dionne and Ethan Jackson.
JACOB SJOBERG, left, and Luke Mitchell, fifth-graders at Mapleton Elementary School, were among the many students who designed advertisements for this year’s special Newspapers in Education supplement.
ALL SMILES — Enjoying the role of graphic artists are, from left: Meagan Turner, Taylor Ellis and Abbigayle Quirino, fifth-graders in Mapleton.