Monument Lodge fosters caring through stuffed animals

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — A group of cuddly animals got together for one last party picture before going to Masonic shut-ins and widows connected to Monument Lodge No. 96 in Houlton.

These stuffed animals were presented by members of the Monument Lodge No. 96 in Houlton to widows of former Masons during the Christmas holiday.
(Contributed photo)

“It’s what a Mason does for a Mason,” said Richard Rhoda, a member of the Lodge.

Bryan Shaw, Junior Deacon of the Lodge presented a cuddly stuffed animal to Hilda Hughes, widow of long-time member Harold Hughes, before Christmas. It was one of 15 given out.

“While many Masonic widows’ daily needs are met, they all seem to enjoy a visit, a hug, and to know they are being thought of,” Shaw said. “What woman, no matter her age, doesn’t like a cuddly animal and one which she may be able to pass on to a grandchild because her husband had been a Mason?”

The Freemasons are a men’s fraternal organization which dates from the 14th Century whose foundation is built on caring for a brother in need, his widow, and orphans. Shaw concluded,

“We still seek to adhere to this principle.”