Maple Meadow Farm segment airing on Maine PBS
An hour-long documentary capturing the challenges and benefits of farming with work horses in Aroostook County will be shown on MPBN once in May and twice in June.
LIVING HERITAGE — The Jepsons interviewed 95-year-old Rodney Pelkey at Maple Meadow Farm Festival in 2010 on the benefits of farming with workhorses. “You’re out in the field and you’ve got something to love, something to love you back,” said Pelkey. “Them things,” he said, pointing at a tractor “don’t love you!” Pelkey, of Presque Isle, passed away this past spring and his workhorse, Buster, died a month later.
“Maple Meadow Farm” produced by Crown of Maine Productions is scheduled to air on Thursday, May 31 at 10 p.m., on Thursday, June 14 at 10 p.m., and again on Saturday, June 16 at 11 a.m.
The Gregg family, who harness Belgian work horses for a variety of tasks from twitching out logs in winter to haying with horses in the summer, use centuries old farming methods on their 400-acre farm in Mapleton. These days the Greggs are gearing up for their Maple Meadow Farm Festival to be held at the end of next month. More than two thousand visitors attend the event held in the grounds of the Greggs’ farm.
“I am so pleased that MPBN has chosen to air this show in the run up to the Maple Meadow Farm Festival,” said filmmaker Brenda Jepson of Madawaska Lake. “I hope it helps the Greggs attract even more folks to their fair.”
Brenda and Alan Jepson, who spent a year and a half making the film, have shipped copies of the DVD all over the country since it was released last October.
Cindy Jackson, of Bucksport, e-mailed the Jepsons with her reaction after watching the show. “We had a chance to watch the documentary tonight. It was amazing. We very much enjoyed it. I think after watching this we are going to try to go the festival they have in June. It is very interesting and intriguing to watch this farming operation.”
As well as the scenes showcasing the festival, “Maple Meadow Farm” also features the Greggs using their horses for working in the woods, plowing and haying. The film follows the Gregg family and their workhorses across four seasons. Clips are available for viewing at