Washburn Scouts attend summer camp

12 years ago

Washburn Scouts attend summer camp


by Tomi Henderson

    During the week of July 1-7, Scouts and leaders from Boy Scout Troop 177 of Washburn attended the annual Summer Camp at Katahdin Scout Reservation in East Eddington. Scouts enjoyed the week working on various merit badges as well as the New Scout Program requirements. The troop attained the Honor Troop award for their Scout-like qualities during the week.

Photos courtesy of Tomi Henderson

    SUMMER CAMP — Those attending the 2012 Summer Camp at Katahdin Scout Reservation from Washburn were: Assistant Scoutmaster Tim Roix, Scouts Bryce Roix, Daniel Roy, Tyler Jardine, Alex Hyde, Andrew Lagassie and Scoutmaster Larry Harrison.


    Washburn Scouts visiting the Coles Land Transportation Museum and the Dupram Farms Truck Exhibit were, in front, from left: Tyler Jardine, Andrew Lagassie and Bryce Roix. In back: Daniel Roy and Alex Hyde.

    On July 4, the troop took part in the flag raising ceremony alongside of Canadian Scouts from Hampton, N.B. Washburn’s Fellow Scout Taylor Skinner is working at the camp during the summer and is assigned to the Scout craft division.

    Following the conclusion of camp the troop stopped at Coles’ Land Transportation for a tour of the facilities and had a picture taken alongside the Dupram Farms potato truck.

    Those attending were Scout Leaders Larry Harrison and Tim Roix, and Scouts Daniel Roy, Bryce Roix, Tyler Jardine, Andrew Lagassie and Alex Hyde. The troop is now in the planning stages for the 2013 National Jamboree to be held at the Bectal Summit in W.Va. next July.


August Festival

    Plans are all set for this year’s festival. See you there, Aug. 17-19. Please check out our Facebook page, Washburn Maine August Festival, August 16-19, 2012, for more information. Brochures are also available at various places in town.


Historical museum

    The Salmon Brook Historical Society has open hours at the Benjamin Wilder Homestead Museum and the Agricultural Museum on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m., and on Wednesdays from 8-11 a.m. There is no admission charge and many very interesting exhibits are available for the public to see.



    Those celebrating birthdays from July 25-31 include: Gertrude Howard, Madelyn Johnston, Kevin Woodbrey, Dorothy Sperrey, Paul Bither, Gilda Howlett, Makenzie Vaughn, Margo McIntosh, Kaleb Dahlgren, Virginia White, Mike Tarbox, Ruth White, Matthew White, Natalie Thomas, Rick Landeen, Richard Drost, Loretta Harmon, Robin Sands, Jim Carmichael, Heather Doody and Vernon Easler.

    Celebrating their anniversaries are: Alan and Cheryl Flanagin, Troy and Nicki McCrum and Mike and Kellie Routhier.

    NOTE: Please e-mail me at tomihen@yahoo.com with any changes or additions to the birthdays and anniversaries listings.

    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail tomihen@yahoo.com.