The Oakfield Seniors met at the Smoki-Haulers clubhouse for the first meeting in July.
Marie decorated the tables with centerpieces of American flags and red carnations.
Following another delicious potluck luncheon President Alberta McDonald called the business meeting to order with the Lord’s Prayer and the Flag Salute. All reports were read and accepted. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Juanita Russell. George Barrow was the 50/50 winner and Wannetta Townsend was the winner of the door prize.
Our next meeting will be on July 17 and we will be taking a guided tour in Island Falls which will include burgers and potluck. Also, on the 18th, we will join the Island Falls Seniors for another cookout. Sounds like another busy week.
We ended our meeting by taking a group picture of the members being framed.
Attending were: Marie Gillotti, Arlene Friel, Berniece Campbell, Alberta McDonald, Don and Charlotte Marley, George Barrow, Wannetta Townsend, Judy Williams, Kathleen Boutilier, Iona Nadeau, Juanita Russell and Earl and Lottie Doughty.
For more information about Oakfield Seniors, please call Alberta at 757-8052.