Hussey’s birthday fast approaching
by Debbie Smith
On Feb. 3, Bernard Hussey will turn 93. He has been staying in Ellsworth with his son, Bernie, for a few months while he recuperates from an unspecified health issue.
He would love to hear from friends and family in The County. If you would like to send Bernie a card for his birthday, his new address is: Bernard Hussey, in care of 29 Woodland Road, Ellsworth, ME 04605.
BIRTHDAY GIRL — Ezalee Smith celebrated her 80th birthday last weekend with family. Here she is pictured with her three children. From left are: Vance, Connie, Ezalee and Mark. Happy 80th birthday to Ezalee. In the picture below, she appears with her siblings. Pictured from left are: Hollis Hull, Nina Trask, Ezalee and Sheldon Hull.
Ezalee Smith celebrated her 80th birthday with relatives at Governor’s Restaurant in Presque Isle. Those that attended were: Nina and John Trask; Cheryl Thibeau and her son, Austin; Hollis Hull and Barbara Bonville, Connie and Todd Bradley and their daughter, Meghan; Debbie and Vance Smith; Randy Trask; Mark and Carole Smith; Sheldon and Fern Hull and their daughter, Maureen; and the birthday girl, Ezalee.
Acacia Kimball and Kelsey Frank, above, were chosen for All Aroostook High School Band this year from Easton. Absent from the photo was Brandon Hosford. Chosen for All Aroostook Middle School Band were three Easton students, below from left: Kaitlyn White, Paige Flewelling and Isabelle Morin.
Alumni meeting
There will be an alumni meeting at the Easton Elementary School in the cafeteria on Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 7:15 p.m. Anyone may attend.
THE Easton Recreation Department recently took part in the Elks’ Hoop Shoot Contest; winning the 12- to 13-year old-division were Noah Hanscomb and Delia Bonner.
AUSTIN CARVER and Alexis Hayes took first place for the Easton Recreation Department in the Elks’ Hoop Shoot foul shooting contest for youth ages 10 and 11.
Elks’ Hoop Shoot Contest winners with the Easton Recreation Department for the 8- and 9-year-old group were Marcus Czsonek & Eva Callioras. Great job!
National spelling bee
The first round of the 2013 Scripps National Spelling Bee was held at the Easton Jr./Sr. High School gymnasium on Jan. 16. The Easton School Department would like to extend congratulations to the winner, Kaitlyn White, and the runner-up, Cecilia Ferris. Kaitlyn is the daughter of Bruce and Elaine White. Cecilia is the daughter of Dan and Leslie Ferris. Kaitlyn and Cecilia will represent the Easton School Department at the Aroostook County Spelling Bee. This will be held in February 2013 at the Fox Auditorium at the University of Maine at Fort Kent.
Geography bee winner
Delaney Leach, a 7th grader at the Easton Jr./Sr. High School, won the school-level competition at the National Geographic Bee on January 09,2013 and a chance to win a $25,000 College Scholarship. The school-level Bee, at which students answered oral questions on geography, was the first round in the annual National Geographic Bee. The bee is sponsored by the National Geographic Society.
The school winners, including Delaney, will now take a written test; up to 100 top scorers in each state will be eligible to compete in the State Bee in Augusta in April. The top 100 in the state qualify and the state winner will be advanced to the National Geographic Bee in May, in Washington, D.C. Anyone can brush up on geography with GeoBee Challenge, an online geography quiz at, which poses five questions a day from previous National Geographic bees.
Students of the Month
Kaitlyn White
was chosen for November’s Student of the Month at Easton Jr./Sr. High School. Kaitlyn is in the eighth grade. She is the daughter of Bruce and Elaine White. Kaitlyn is very outgoing and friendly to everyone. She is involved in many things at school and in her personal life. Kaitlyn was chosen for All Aroostook Band this year. She loves skating and performing and does a great job at it. Congratulations, Kaitlyn.
Paige Flewelling
was chosen for Student of the Month for December. Paige is in the seventh grade. Paige was also chosen for All Aroostook band this year. Paige is always willing to help out whenever she is needed. Congratulations, Paige.
Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at or call 488-5530.