101 Years Ago – Sept. 5, 1918
Trip to Ripogenus — J. B. Smart, the photographer, turned from a fortnight’s trip to Ripogenus, the famous dam of the Great Northern Paper Co., West Branch of the Penobscot. He was accompanied by Prof. W.D. Hall, fro some years well known in Presque Isle as assistant principal in the Normal School.
One of the features of the trip was a climb to the summit of Mt. Katahdin. For scenic interest. Mr. Smart said this outing surpassed any other he ever took, and many photographs taken by him were used to illustrate a magazine article to be prepared by Mr. Hall, descriptive of the trip.
75 Years Ago – Sept. 7, 1944
Winfield Farley completed Sub basic training — Winfield F. Farley, 22, fireman, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Farley of Presque Isle, completed basic training at the Submarine School, Submarine Base, New London, Conn., for duty with our growing fleet of underseas fighters. Fireman Farley was entitled to wear the twin dolphin insignia of the Submarine Service after further experience aboard a submarine during which he must demonstrate to his commanding officer that he was fully qualified to carry out the duties of his rate. The insignia is regarded as a mark of distinction throughout the Navy
Mrs. MacBurnie attended National R.C. Conclave — Mrs. Edgar MacBurnie, President of the Department of Maine Woman’s Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, attended the reception for their department officers at Saco, and then went to DesMoines, Iowa, to National Convention. She was accompanied from Saco by Mrs. Helen Cleayes, delegate-at-large, and Mrs. Eva Sherman, number one delegate.
50 Years Ago – Sept. 3, 1969
Instructor winner of fellowship — Mrs. Mary A. Dugal of Ashland, a teacher of English at SAD 32, was selected to attend the Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program at the University of Maine’s Oronor campus during the 1969-70 academic year. She was a graduate of the University of Maine and Attended Aroostook State College. The program led to a master’s degree in English and prepared participants to supervise practice teachers, to conduct in-service training programs for beginning teachers, and to recognize and deal with problems of teaching disadvantaged students and those with language problems, specifically French-English bilingualism. Each participant received a $4,000 stipend plus a $600 allowance for each dependent for the academic year.
25 Years Ago – Sept. 7, 1994
Dionne named new PSA director — Personal Services of Aroostook named Rachelle Donne as new executive director. Dionne, a 1993 University of Maine at Presque Isle graduate with a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science and an associate’s in criminal justice, had worked as program coordinator for Women Unlimited of Presque Isle and Bangor, as an outreach worker and hotline volunteer at the Battered Women’s Project, as well as a social worker at the Caribou Nursing home, and on call as a youth jail diversion worker for Catholic Charities Maine.
Awarded — Felicia Dixon, the daughter of Jack and Becky Dixon of Presque Isle, was named an All-American Scholar by the United States Achievement Academy. The award is given to superior students who excel in the academic disciplines. Dixon attended Skyway Middle School and was nominated by Nancy Watson. She appeared in the All-American Scholar Directory, published nationally. The Academy selects All-American Scholars upon exclusive recommendations of teachers, coaches, counselors and other qualified sponsors.