CARIBOU, Maine — Twenty-two farms from as far as Smyrna Mills and New Canada have reserved their space for Micmac Farms’ Festival Market this Saturday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Micmac Farms complex in Caribou will come alive in this first event of the 2019-20 Festival Market Series, which will feature locally produced foods along with local musical talents Camille, violinist Steve Boody and Elyse Kiehn.
The event continues to be free of charge and families will have the opportunity to speak directly with local food producers about the methods in which their foods are being raised.
“It’s a unique agricultural showcase of the farms here in the County, and I think this series really captures the comradery and culture of the area,” said Jacob Pelkey of Micmac Farms. “The Festival Market Series is a collaborative community effort and the public’s patronage in the past is a testament to their commitment and interest in local agriculture.”
The market series is a collaboration between the farm, the city of Caribou and the Presque Isle Farmers Market.
“Hosting the Farmers Festival Market at a working produce farm is a great way to invite people to see where their foods originate and to ask questions about the methods being used,” said Pelkey.
All are welcome to the event. Guests will enjoy live musical entertainment, samples, coffee and hot lunch as they explore the friendly farmers and discover new foods.
“I am overwhelmed by the support of the Presque Isle Farmers Market and the City of Caribou,” Pelkey said. “We are happy to work together to create a fun and educational family event right here in Caribou.”
Guests may also tour the 34,000-gallon brook trout hatchery that is located onsite. Hatchery tours will be ongoing through the duration of the Farmers Festival Market.
The Festival Market series is now in its second season and aims to connect local people with access to local foods. The collaboration has built a strong community following and is inspiring the public to support Maine agriculture.
The Festival Market Series meets once a month at the Micmac Farms complex.