HOULTON, Maine — The TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) chapter of Houlton met Friday, Oct 18 with 11 TOPS members and 4 KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) in attendance. The loser of the week was Joanne Lane and the runner-up was Pam Richardson. Good job ladies.
Diane Folsom won the skinny dish and Barbara Whited won the 50/50. Charlotte Marley took the Health basket home. We continue each week to have a great variety in this basket. All of our members are thinking of different foods to add to healthy eating.
We had two charm winners this week — Jean Merritt and Betty Wyman. At this rate we will each have a new charm before the contest ends. Who will be next? It is a very easy contest with just two things necessary. The first is loss of weight and the second is to call a chapter member each week. Nothing to it.
Some time was spent on making plans for the workshop coming up in Washburn on Nov. 9. We would really like to invite anyone who is interested in changing their eating habits or those wanting a healthier lifestyle to join us on Friday mornings. Weigh-in time is between 7:45-8:45 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9 a.m. It’s a good time for some “me time.” We have a great group who will give you the support we all need. So come join us. For more information call Pam Richardson at 207-538-8760 or Diane Folsom at 207-521-1717.