Houlton Council of Catholic Women donate to shelter

Alta Reardon, correspondent, Special to The County
5 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met for their monthly meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. President Janet Barker opened the meeting with our salute to the cross and flag and prayer and our hymn.  

Jane Mitchell gave the treasurer’s report. Kathy Klein, recording secretary, read the minutes of the October meeting.  Alta Reardon, corresponding secretary, read a letter from Sister Francine of Reading, Pennsylvania saying that they no longer accept cancelled stamps for their missionary project and a “thank you” was read from the Backpack Project.

A luncheon was enjoyed by all provided by the November committee. Following lunch, President Barker called the meeting to order. Reardon gave an update on the Animal Shelter shower. Ethel Mersereau and Alta Reardon will deliver the donations to the Houlton Humane Society and the Ark Animal Sanctuary in the near future.

HCCW will have a table at St. Mary’s Craft Fair to sell tickets on a lighted Christmas wreath decorated with 50 $1 bills. Tickets will also be sold before and after masses.  Proceeds will go to the Seminarian fund.

A donation was made to the annual Thanksgiving dinner to be held at St. Mary’s on Thanksgiving day.  All members of the community are invited to attend. Mary Grant, Reardon and Barker will meet to update our Women’s Council booklet for 2019-2021.

Birthdays and anniversaries for November were noted.  Julie Codrey won the door prize. Prayer intentions were gathered and we recited three Hail Mary’s. Our annual Christmas party will be held on December 2nd at 5:30 in the Parish Center.  All members are asked to bring a gift for the Yankee swap and food to share at our luncheon. Meeting was adjourned. 

Following the meeting, members addressed Christmas cards for shut ins and nursing home residents.